Get Website Feedback With Hello Bar

Hello Bar has been helping ambitious companies get great and useful website feedback since 2012! 💬🚀

Happy customers using Hello Bar to get website feedback

Happy Customers

Simple. High Completion Rates.


If you are trying to get lightweight feedback on your website, Hello Bar is a proven way to do that.

Completion Rates

Hello Bar has a variety of templates that are built for getting high completion rates for getting website feedback.


Much more affordable than most survey and feedback solutions and very flexible so you can use Hello Bar for multiple different goals.

Loved by Global Companies Since 2012

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How Hello Bar Can Help You Collect Web Feedback

Quick Polls

Launch quick polls that help you to gauge how your visitors feel about certain topics.

Roadmap Feedback

Ask your visitors which features or products you should build next or get other product roadmap feedback.

Ratings Too

You can also use Hello Bar to solicit ratings so you can grow your online reputation and grow your reviews.

How To Use Hello Bar To Get Website Feedback

Add Hello Bar

You can add Hello Bar directly or use one of our many built-in integrations, connections or apps. We are connected to your favorite ESP, CMS, CRM and have a partnership with Zapier to enable even more connections.

Choose Conversion Goals

Choose whether you want to get feedback in one our cool Hello Bar top bar units, as a full page takeover, as a corner slider unit, etc…We have a ton of different placement options and all are provent to drive high completion rates.

Choose Trigger

Do you want to ask your visitors for feedback when they arrive? When they leave? When they are scrolling down a page? When they have been on a page for a certain amount of time? When they come back a second time? With Hello Bar, setting those triggers is super easy.

Target & Optimize

You can get different feedback based on different users, behaviors, content, etc…Hello Bar has some of the most powerful targeting features in the market. And, we even have built in optimization capabilities.

Proven Templates

We have proven templates that you can use to design beautiful feedback forms to match your branding.

Advanced Targeting

It’s worth mentioning again – our advanced targeting enables you to get different feedback from different target markets or customer types.

Built-in Integrations

Integrate Hello Bar with a variety of different tools and platforms – from your favorite email platform to your marketing automation tool.

Incent Feedback

You can easily add coupons or other perks as thanks or incentive to get feedback from your visitors or customers.

Ten+ Years Helping Companies Gather Website Feedback

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious companies get website feedback, grow leads, increae sales, and so much more.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to do that and I have used it on my own sites for 10+ years.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website, reduced our bounce rate, helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We drive a lot of traffic for our clients but, like all websites, our clients are looking for their visitors to take more action. We have recommended Hello Bar to a lot of our clients and they have thanked us for it.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We were seeing large bounce rates – visitors would visit one product and then bounce. After adding Hello Bar, our visitors have stayed longer, engaged more and bought more products.”

Raul D.

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We have a lot of freelancers who help their SaaS clients with conversion rate optimization. Tools like Hello Bar are a key tool many of these freelancers recommend to quickly and easily increase conversion rates and reduce bounce rates.”

Dan M.

Growth Collective


“Our sites were suffering from low engagement with an average of only 1.2 pageviews per visitor. Since adding Hello Bar our pageviews have doubled and this has resulted in a surge in revenue. It’s the highest ROI tool we have on our sites.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Using Hello Bar To Get Website Feedback — find key insights on using it to get website feedback with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

You can set up Hello Bar in 5-15 minutes depending on how you add it. It’s a click of a button if you use one of our apps or integrations. If you add it directly to your site, it takes a few more minutes but is still very quick and easy. And, you don’t have to be an engineer to get Hello Bar up and running.

Can I give people a gift for providing feedback?

Yes. To do so, you will need to connect Hello Bar to your favorite email service provider and then automate sending them a gift. This is very easy to do and we are here to help.

Can I add feedback to landing pages?

Yes, no problem. Hello Bar units can be added to any type of webpage. This means that you can definitely add a feedback unit to landing pages. You can create one or many.

Who uses Hello Bar for website feedback?

Hello Bar was created in 2012 to make it easy for any website to quickly share news, get feedback and increase sales. Since then, Hello Bar is used by over 600,000 websites. Many of these websites use us for many different purposes. For example, you can use Hello Bar to get website feedback at the same time you increase your leads, grow your email list, and more. What’s great about Hello Bar is its flexibility.

Ambitious Companies Use Hello Bar To Gather Website Feedback

Say Hello To Hello Bar

Hello Bar is a versatile tool designed to capture the attention of website visitors. It was created back in 2012 and has since helped over 600,000 websites better engage their audiences. While many associate it with lead generation or email capture, its potential for gathering website feedback shouldn’t be overlooked. Unlike many website feedback tools, Hello Bar is flexible, easy to use, and affordable.

Why Gathering Website Feedback is Crucial

Understanding how users feel about your website, product, and marketing can give you information to improve those things and attract and retain more and better customers. When used correctly, website feedback tools can help identify pain points, understand visitor needs, and optimize and personalize your site to be more relevant to your target audience. This can result in more engaged visitors and customers which can lead to increased sales.

Why Use Hello Bar for Website Feedback?

There are a lot of website feedback tools out there, but why should you consider Hello Bar as your website feedback tool of choice?

Engaging without being intrusive

Hello Bar was created by a design agency that focuses on user experience and conversion optimization. Therefore, Hello Bar units are great in that they help collect feedback in a polite way. And, this results in Hello Bar being a website feedback tool you can add to your site with pride while also getting high completion rates in getting user feedback.

Great designs that are easily customizable

Again, Hello Bar’s platform was created by a design agency so you can design beautiful feedback units that are also easily customizable. This means each feedback form can be branded or designed to match your brand and feel. Hello Bar even has a design assistant to automatically match your feedback form to your website.

Easily integrate into your marketing and product stacks

Hello Bar integrates easily into your website so you can add a feedback form or multiple feedback forms through many of the most popular website builders and or CMS platforms. This makes it easy and quick to start collecting customer feedback. But you can also integrate other tools in your marketing stack to Hello Bar. For example, let’s say you want to send an email right after collecting user feedback. Or, maybe you want to send a follow up emails that include additional questions to collect feedback. You can do this by using one of Hello Bar’s hooks directly into many of the most popular email marketing platforms.

Advanced Segmenting and Targeting

With Hello Bar, you can launch multiple website feedback surveys and then target or customize them. In fact, Hello Bar stands out from other website feedback tools because of its advanced targeting features. You can target and segment customer feedback from the same customers or visitors but solicit different feedback. Or you can use different website feedback surveys to ask different website visitors for different types of website feedback.

For example, you can launch customer feedback forms that are different from non-customer feedback forms. You can then segment this website feedback data easily. You can also create different types of website feedback based on where a user may be on the site. For example, you may want to ask website visitors that just go to the homepage for certain feedback vs website visitors that go to a pricing page.

Finally, you can get different types of website feedback based on other things you know about a user. For example, you can ask website visitors that came in through paid search something different than if they came through your social channels. Again, it would take a whole other article to show all of the unique targeting features Hello Bar has vs other website feedback tools.

Easy Analytics

Hello Bar has built-in analytics but you can also connect Hello Bar with your favorite analytics tool.

Because So Many Others Have

That sounds like a silly reason but because so many other websites have used Hello Bar, we have built up a huge amount of experience on how to successfully collect website feedback. And, we have put all of that experience into our Hello Bar units, templates and features.

What Kind of Feedback Can You Collect With Hello Bar?

One of the great things about Hello Bar is how flexible of a feedback tool it is. While other tools may allow you to collect feedback about a very specific topics (ie Net Promoter Score), Hello Bar allows you get user feedback across a variety of topics. You can collect feedback that is simple and lightweight up through more advanced user feedback that might take longer for the user to complete.

User Experience (UX) Feedback

By prompting users with a simple question like, “How easy is it to navigate our site?” you can quickly gauge their experience and identify areas of improvement. This kind of feedback is lightweight and has high completion rates while getting very valuable user feedback. Once you get simple feedback like this, you can either leave it at that or add additional questions to get more customer insights or additional actionable insights.

Content Feedback

Are your visitors finding the information they need? A Hello Bar can help gather insights on whether the content is helpful or if there’s something missing. Again, this can be very simple or advanced. You can collect user feedback by asking additional simple questions like, “What kind of information do you hope to find here” but you can also design multi-step feedback forms to collect user feedback that is more lengthy.

Product Feedback

If you sell products or services online, Hello Bar is perfect for asking for feedback on specific products, features or offerings. For example, “Have you tried out our new product line? If so, what do you think?” Again, these feedback survey questions can be super simple or more advanced. You can collect feedback like “do you like the new feature” but also can collect feedback that is more advanced like, “please name three ways we can improve this new feature”.

Overall Satisfaction

You can use Hello Bar to ask visitors how satisfied they are with their experience on your site. A simple “How would you rate your experience today?” can go a long way in gauging general satisfaction.

Why Choose Hello Bar Vs Other Website Feedback Tools

There are a lot of website feedback tools out there and each website feedback tools has its pros and cons. And, while we won’t go through all of these website feedback tools, we will focus on why we believe Hello Bar is a great one to collect customer feedback across a variety of different topics.

Easy to Set Up

Hello Bar is a website feedback tool that is known for how easy it is to set up. You don’t have to be a developer or a designer and there are a ton of integrations to make it even easier. As a feedback tool, we believe that you should be spending time collecting customer feedback, website feedback and other forms of feedback rather than wrestling with your feedback tools.

Simple To Use

Beyond Hello Bar being easy to set up, it’s also very simple to use to launch one or many website feedback forms. With its easy-to-use plug-and-play builder, it often wins great reviews and is known for its ease of use over many other website feedback tools.

Targeted & Segmented Feedback

Hello Bar allows you to segment visitors based on a ton of different variables so you can get different website feedback from different users based on things like location, source, behavior, content, etc…

No Interruption to User Experience

One major plus of using Hello Bar units is that they are designed to gather website feedback without massively disrupting the user experience. Users can choose to use just a simple Hello Bar or can collect feedback with a series of other unit types, all of which are meant to be polite to the user.

What Users Are Saying About Hello Bar

Since its founding in 2012, Hello Bar has been used by over 600,000 websites and has earned some raving fans. We have received reviews like:

“A Game Changer for Lead Generation and Feedback”
“Hello Bar was originally used for promotions, but we quickly realized how powerful it was for gathering feedback. Our customer satisfaction increased after implementing targeted feedback bars.”
“Great for Non-Techies”
“We set up a feedback bar asking about website navigation, and within days we received valuable insights that helped us make big improvements to our site.”
“We added a feedback bar asking visitors if they needed help finding information. Our bounce rate dropped, and we saw a 20% increase in time spent on site. It was an unexpected but welcome result.”

How To Get Website Feedback You Can Use With Hello Bar

Getting feedback is great. But, getting feedback you can use is the main goal. Hello Bar is a website feedback tool that makes this easier than most feedback tools. However, just using feedback tools and gathering some customer feedback isn’t good enough. You need to be sure you are collecting customer feedback that is actionable and will make a difference for your business.

Ask specific questions

The more specific your question, the more actionable the feedback will be. For instance, instead of asking, “What do you think of our website?” you could ask, “What part of our website was most confusing?” The latter is much more useful website feedback than the prior.

Offer Multiple-Choice Options

Make it super easy to respond by testing multiple-choice website feedback units.

Include Follow-Up Questions

Once a user answers a general question, follow up with some additional questions. You can do this directly within Hello Bar’s website feedback units but you can also do this by integrating Hello Bar’s website feedback tool into your email marketing tool. You can then send follow-up emails with links to additional questions or just ask the questions directly in the email (after all, email can be a great feedback tool on its own).

Test Different Times and Locations

Test getting website feedback at different times, behaviors or locations. For example, launch a Hello Bar and test keeping that on permanently. Then, test gathering website feedback in popup modal that pops up upon exit. Hello Bar is a website feedback tool that enables you to get user and customer feedback through a variety of units and with a ton of different triggers. You can even put an inline unit in an article and gather feedback as somebody scrolls down the page. Most feedback tools don’t offer an inline capability like this.

Provide an Incentive or Thanks As You Collect Feedback

To encourage visitors to give detailed feedback, offer a small incentive or thanks such as a discount or free downloadable resource. Hello Bar makes it easy to display a reward message once feedback is submitted. As a website feedback tool, offering an incentive in a Hello Bar unit is quite easy.

Ask for Website Feedback or Customer Feedback After Certain Actions

As for website feedback after a user or visitor completes a certain action – this can include actions such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or reading a blog post. These are the moments when users are most engaged and likely to provide the most meaningful website feedback.

Keep Your Feedback Requests Short & Simple

If you want to be successful in getting website feedback, be sure to not ask too many questions or make it difficult on the user to respond. The shorter the better if you want more results.

Provide an Easy Way to Submit Feedback

Make it easy to provide website feedback. You can make it easy to select or click to provide feedback.

Review and Act on The Website Feedback You Get

You can’t just ignore the website feedback you get. Otherwise, people will notice and it’ll be difficult to get additional website feedback.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Collecting Feedback With Any Website Feedback Tool

While Hello Bar makes gathering feedback easier, there are a few common mistakes to avoid to ensure the feedback you collect is meaningful and actionable:

Asking Too Many Questions

Avoid bombarding visitors with long lists of questions. Keep your feedback forms short and to the point.

Ignoring Negative Feedback

Negative website feedback is just as valuable as positive feedback. Use it as an opportunity to improve and address customer concerns.

Not Acting on Website Feedback

It’s important to act on the feedback you collect. If visitors see no improvements or changes after providing feedback, they may be less likely to offer it in the future.

Being Vague

Vague website feedback questions result in vague answers. Be as specific as possible when asking for input.

Conclusion: Hello Bar Is An Easy, Flexible and Effective Way To Gather Website Feedback

Hello Bar is more than just a tool for capturing emails or promoting offers. It’s a highly effective platform for gathering website feedback that is actionable and can drive real improvements. By customizing the feedback units, asking the right questions, and integrating with your existing tools, Hello Bar can help you uncover the insights you need to create a better user experience.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your product pages, streamline your navigation, or simply improve customer satisfaction, Hello Bar offers the flexibility and functionality needed to make website feedback a seamless part of your growth strategy.