Supercharge Your Website AB Testing With Hello Bar

Use Hello Bar to accelerate or even replace your existing website AB Testing efforts. 📈🚀

Happy customers using Hello Bar for Website AB Testing

Happy Customers

Built-In AB & Multi-Variate Optimizations


Our built-in testing features are easy to use for most of your conversion rate optimization needs.


You can create simple tests with the click of a button or also conduct more complex multivariate tests.


You can use Hello Bar to kickstart your AB testing efforts or to add on to your existing ones.

Used by conversion specialists around the world.

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How Hello Bar Accelerates Your AB Testing


Reach Statistical Significance More Quickly

You can hit your data numbers more quickly because you can place Hello Bar on one or many existing pages.


Add To Landing Pages

Take your landing page efforts even further by creating buckets of landing pages and then using Hello Bar to granularly focus within each bucket.


Super Easy To Use

You can have anybody from your team set up Hello Bar to have more people run your testing.

How To Use Hello Bar To Supercharge Your Website AB Testing

Add Hello Bar

Sign up for Hello Bar and add the Hello Bar script directly into your website or landing pages. We even have direct integrations with some of the more popular landing page providers.

Choose The Goals You Want To Optimize

Choose what goals you are trying to optimize and then create Hello Bars for those goals. You can create landing page tests to improve most of your conversions across leads, sales, email captures, demos and more.

Define What You Want To Test

Be specific about what you want to test. For example, do you want to test how you can get more people to complete their shopping carts? Great, Hello Bar is perfect for that and it only takes a couple of minutes to set up that test.

Target & Optimize

Target the pages you want to run the tests on. The cool thing about Hello Bar is that you can easily turn a single page into multiple landing pages by adding different Hello Bars.

Easy To Use

Our award-winning optimization testing is so easy you can have anybody from your team run your tests.

Great Designs

Professionally-designed templates so you can make your tests look beautiful and changing variables is a cinch.

Built By Optimization Specialists

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and many of our units were built by Optimization specialists.

Multiple Placements

You can place Hello Bars just about anywhere you want on your site to make any page a landing page.

Why customers love Hello Bar

Easy to use. Powerful. Proven.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to help with your AB tests and I have been using it on my sites for 10+ years.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website to run tests helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“Hello Bar has helped us run simple landing page and conversion tests for many of our clients.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We focus on sites and marketing for attorneys. CPCs for legal services are some of the highest in search and Hello Bar helps drive down the cost per lead and drive up ROAS for our clients.”

Melani H.

Owner of Web Agency

Lead Quizzes Logo

“Since launching Hello Bar on our platform, we have been able to convert our blog content into leads every day. We used to just get blog traffic that wouldn’t convert. But, now Hello Bar drives a big percentage of our leads.”

Max M.

Founder of Freelance Talent Marketplace


“We love the targeting features of Hello Bar. It allows us to put different CTAs based on the content of the article. And, the testing features are great.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Using Hello Bar For AB Testing—find key insights on using AB Testing to grow your email list with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

It takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes depending on how you choose to add it. If you use one of our pre-built installers, you can have Hello Bar up and running in 5 minutes. If you decide, instead, to add the code directly to your site, that takes max 20 minutes.

How many different tests can I run at the same time?

You can pretty much run as many tests as you want. But, keep in mind, you will need to reach stastical significance for your tests to be useful. So, don’t run so many tests that your data is spread thin.

Can I run both Website AB Testing and Multivariate Testing?

Yep, both are easy to run. Multivariate testing takes a bit more work and coordination but anybody from your marketing team can set those up. A/B testing is built right in and so you can run those with the click of a button.

Who uses Hello Bar?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have helped over 700,000 websites achieve conversion goals – from capturing sales leads, to increasing sales, to building up email lists and much more. We are happy to say that we work with some massive companies with huge organizations and are just as proud to work with small mom and pop and family owned businesses.

Hello Bar Built-In AB Testing Is A Great Addition Or Alternative To Your Overall Website AB Testing Efforts

If you are committed to website AB testing, Hello Bar is a simple, affordable and effective way of taking your AB testing to the next level.

Why do A/B and Multivariate Testing?

There are so many variables to a website, and it’s impossible to know what is going to help you convert visitors into leads, sales, and email subscribers. So, the best solution to get more of your visitors to take action is to test your homepage or other pages. A/B testing is a popular way to do this in which you test a page or variable in two forms to see which performs better. Multivariate testing is similar but involves testing multiple different versions of that variable at the same time. The key to both of these is that you are using testing, gathering visitor behavior data, reviewing test results and making decisions about which variable or option converts better. By running these tests, you can zero in on ways to convert more traffic and drive more sales.

What should you be testing?

You should be testing the user behavior with one version of a variable vs another. For example, does the user behavior change when you change a call to action button from red to blue? Or does the user behavior change when you use one call-to-action text vs another? Or, does the user behavior change when you customize content to a user vs not. Ultimately, the goal is to collect data, see which one drives better conversions, and then adopt the winning approach. During this process, you may also get other user insights beyond just conversions. You may also see how certain changes impact bounce rate or time on site (both of which can be tracked through Google Analytics). Or you can see test results about return rates from certain approaches vs others (again, you can see test results in Google Analytics).

Something to keep in mind about testing is that your goal is to see how a change produces positive results. But, it’s just as important to understand when a hypothesis or proposed change is proven wrong. This often is frustrating but if something is proven wrong, this means you can save a lot of time, energy, and money on pursuing that change further. This is good news!

Hello Bar is a great, simple, and affordable way to run split testing and multivariate testing

The most common way to test hypothesis and collect data on conversion rates is to invest in building and managing landing pages. This approach can be highly effective and should be included in most of your marketing efforts whether paid or organic. But, building full landing pages can get very time-consuming and expensive. And, building enough to have statistical significance in your decisions (statistical significance involves collecting enough data that you have statistically significant results – in other words results you can depend on to be accurate), can be even more expensive and time consuming.

Hello Bar is a great, simple, and affordable tool to add to your testing efforts. Through Hello Bar, you can launch tests more quickly, test hypotheses more affordably, and gather test results faster. They are flexible enough to add to any webpage. So you can add Hello Bar to each landing page or to any normal webpage. You can also quickly and easily choose to serve Hello Bar to all website users or just to a selection. Hello Bar’s built-in A/B and multivariate testing makes it easy to quickly launch multivariate testing, get test results and get enough data to reach statistical significance.

Companies of all sizes use Hello Bars for website AB testing and multivariate testing. And, since the company was launched by design and optimization experts, customers can use best practices to ensure that they are launching tests that get quantitative user insights.

Why can Hello Bar can help you reach statistical significance more quickly?

Multivariate testing with a landing page is great. But, one challenge is getting enough results to track how users interact with each variable. With a landing page, you have to choose to drive a certain percentage of your traffic to that specific landing page to see how users interact. And, this means that you may have to sacrifice traffic that helps you reach certain goals to conduct testing. With Hello Bar, you can add testing units on top of any existing page or landing page to see how users interact. This means you can test messaging or calls to actions or incentives on any and all webpages and the interaction rates are similar or higher than what you would see on landers. This means you can collect more data more quickly.

How do you use Hello Bar for A/B and multivariate testing?

Hello Bar has a built-in testing features. If you want to test two versions of a call to action or variable, simply select A/B testing and put in the variables for each of the two versions. By default, Hello Bar will then flight these tests equally among the two versions. Hello Bar has built-in statistical analysis to see which performs better. You can have your digital marketing teams launch these tests for all visitors to a page. However, if your digital marketing teams want to test a certain target audience, you can also use Hello Bar’s built-in targeting features. You can choose a target audience based on a huge number of variables – from Geo to content type to words clicked within search engines, etc…

If you want more different versions than a simple A/B testing, this is also easy. With Hello Bar you can launch multiple different units and it’s easy to duplicate a unit to make one simple change. You then just need select a web page for each of those units and then manage how much traffic you want to get each of those units. Keep in mind, you can launch as many units as you want for testing, but you also will want to make sure your results are statistically significant. So, make sure that you have enough traffic to get to a point of statistically significant data. If you don’t know how to calculate this level, you can use search engines to type in “Statistically Significant” calculator or “how many users I need to test to determine statistical significance.”

When running tests, with Hello Bar, you can run tests on one web page, multiple pages or all pages on your site. This allows you to get similar multivariate test results to running tests with landing pages.

How many different variations can you run with Hello Bar?

The simple answer is that you can run as many as you want. However, we don’t recommend that unless you have a massive amount of traffic. This is because your testing process needs to factor in how long it will take to reach statistically significance. If your page only gets a few thousand visits per month, your testing process may need to last multiple months if you do a base a/b test. But, you may only need to run your test on one page for a few days (or even hours) if that web page gets tens of thousands of views per month. The key is how much data you need to capture in an a/b or multivariate test and how long you are okay waiting before making a decision.

Can you track the user journey somebody takes before or after your tests with Hello Bar?

This takes some additional knowledge of Google Analytics or another analytics platform but, yes, you absolutely can. This means tracking website visitors, create cohorts of those website visitors, and then seeing how each of those cohorts responds to the tests through your analytics platforms. If you have a lot of data, this can be very insightful because users react differently based on their goals and other demographics and psychographics.

What if you don’t have enough existing traffic to run tests to determine user behavior?

This actually is often the case and it comes down to how important the tests are to run. For example, new companies that are launching to the market still want to conduct website AB testing. This means these companies will build a marketing campaign just to drive users to a page and then test average click through rate or user engagement on what they are testing. This can be done through reaching to email lists, through partnerships or through paid acquisition. A marketing campaign for an ambitious company may include plans for immediate and future tests they want to run.

Do you have to replace landing pages to use Hello Bar to collect data?

No, and that’s the great thing! We can easily work alongside your favorite provider to collect data faster or collect different data from different users. This will allow you to get to statistically significant results faster. And, with the average click-through rate on Hello Bar so high, you can accelerate your efforts.

Can you use Hello Bar to help optimize your email marketing as well?

Yes, absolutely. Hello Bar can massively up your email marketing game. For example, you can use different email subject lines in your email provider and drive them to a page that has an important Hello Bar call to action on it. For example, you cant test how many leads one subject line drives vs another subject line. You can also create different urls and put those in your emails for easy split url testing. Let’s say that you want to test increasing average order value as an ecommerce store. With Hello Bar, you can run an A/B test with different coupon levels and then view conversion rates in your favorite analytics tools for measuring average order value.

What other conversion rate optimization can you do with Hello Bar?

Well, Hello Bar was one of the original conversion rate optimization tools and is still loved by CRO experts all over the world for tracking and optimizing visitor behavior. You can use Hello Bar to increase direct conversion improvements, collect actionable observations within your analytics or even use Hello Bar to ask for user input about certain potential changes/options you want to test.

Is Hello Bar hard to use?

No, that’s part of what makes Hello Bar so great. It’s super easy to use. It has a simple and powerful visual editor, plenty of templates (which you can use as is, use with minimal modifications or customize fully), and you can add it to one or many web pages. You can even use it to add to a checkout page. And the customer experience of Hello Bar units drive great user engagement an excellent conversion rate. in fact, Hello Bar’s average conversion rate is one of the highest in the market. And, our customers rave about the customer experience of using Hello Bar. We are proud that they rate their customer experience so highly across ease of use, affordability, service, and more.

Some last tips for using Hello Bar for website AB testing & Multivariate testing

Be sure to track outcomes clearly

Set up GA or your favorite analytics tool to make it easy to see the impact changes are having directly within GA.

Understand what level of certainty you are okay with

Use a calculator to determine what level of uncertainty you can live with before making a decision.

Weave a testing culture into all you do at your company

It’s not about whether you should do lander testing or use popup testing. Or, if you should test designs or colors or text. The answer is you should do all of those.

Don’t test too many things at once

If you do, you won’t know which change created which outcome.

Rely on experts

Rely on experts and educate yourself if you don’t know what you are doing. With Hello Bar, expert knowledge has been built in.

Have a testing plan

Draw out the various tests you want to run and when you want to run them.

Have a testing budget

Have a budget for testing and think of that budget as an investment as simple improvements can drive massive ROI.

Remember That Polling Is Testing Too

You can also ask your users what they think – Hello Bar is a great way to run simple polls or get feedback.


When running your multivariate tests and A/B tests, you need be very specific about the insights (including qualitative insights) you are trying gather. You can’t just launch multivariate tests and hope your overall numbers improve. Pick a specific desired outcome. For example, maybe you want to improve conversion rates on purchases on check out cart or conversion rates to an email list.

Some Side Notes

Hello Bar can also help with showing up in search results because it can improve engagement levels. And, a higher engagement tells search engines that your page is relevant which helps you Google optimize.

While Hello Bar doesn’t currently offer bars and units on mobile apps, mobile-centric apps can use Hello Bar. We hope to add Hello Bars for mobile apps. If you are interested and own mobile apps, email us to get on our beta list.

Hello Bar can help you with a bunch of different business goals. So, check out other uses for Hello Bar to help you supercharge your business goals.