Saas Lead Generation: Increase Leads By 83%

Join some of the world’s fastest growing and most successful SaaS companies who are using Hello Bar for SaaS lead generation and lead nurturing! 🤩🚀

Customers using Hello Bar for SaaS Lead Generation

Happy Customers

Built for SaaS Growth Leaders

Proven Templates

Specific templates that you can use in your SaaS lead generation to increase your SaaS leads by 83%+.

Lead Magnets

Include lead magnets in your Hello Bars to drive your SaaS lead generation and lead nurturing efforts.

Drive Demos & Calls

Drive demos and calls with built-in capabilities with calendars, push to call, Slack notifications, etc…

Loved by SaaS Growth Leaders Since 2012

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How Hello Bar Can Increase Your SaaS Lead Generation


Drive Leads

Use white papers, ebooks, and other lead magnets directly within Hello Bar to drive leads by adding value to your target audience.


Schedule Demos

Give your visitors an easy way to schedule demos and you can use multiple different unit placements to do so.


Create Lead Nurturing Automations

With built-in integrations to your favorite CRM and/or email service provider, creating a lead nurture series is simple.

How To Use Hello Bar For SaaS Lead Generation

Add Hello Bar

You can add Hello Bar directly or use one of our many built-in integrations, connections or apps. We are connected to your favorite ESP, CMS, CRM and have a partnership with Zapier to enable even more connections.

Choose Your Goal

Do you want to get a visitor into a lead nurturing series? Cool. Want to get people to schedule a demo? We can do that too. Want an immediate “push to call”? We have that built in.

Select Unit Placement & Trigger

There are a bunch of different unit types so you can choose one or many – from page takeovers, to our original Hello Bar (top bar), to exit modals to alert notifications. And, you can trigger these through a variety of different ways – on arrival, on exit, after a certain amount of scrolling, etc…

Target & Optimize

Hello Bar is like a mini landing page that you can use to target your messaging to match the needs of different audiences. Use advanced targeting features to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. And, use built in optimization features to always improve your SaaS lead generation.

Proven templates

We have templates for a lot of different industries but we got our start in SaaS lead generation and blogging. 12 years later we have a ton of proven templates.

Advanced Targeting

Hello Bar has some of the most advanced targeting features in the market and many of these are perfect for firing up your SaaS lead generation.

Built-in Integrations

You can integrate your Hello Bar SaaS lead generation unit into your full marketing and sales stack to create automations, lead nurturing, and so much more.

Built-In Optimizations

You can use Hello Bar’s built in A/B testing to test different SaaS lead generation funnels. Try one with a lead magnet and another with a push to call, for example.

Ten+ Years Helping SaaS Companies Grow

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious companies SaaS companies with their SaaS lead generation efforts.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to do that and I have used it on my own sites for 10+ years.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website, reduced our bounce rate, helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We drive a lot of traffic for our clients but, like all websites, our clients are looking for their visitors to take more action. We have recommended Hello Bar to a lot of our clients and they have thanked us for it.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We were seeing large bounce rates – visitors would visit one product and then bounce. After adding Hello Bar, our visitors have stayed longer, engaged more and bought more products.”

Raul D.


Lead Quizzes Logo

“We have a lot of freelancers who help their SaaS clients with conversion rate optimization. Tools like Hello Bar are a key tool many of these freelancers recommend to quickly and easily increase conversion rates and reduce bounce rates.”

Dan M.

Growth Collective


“Our sites were suffering from low engagement with an average of only 1.2 pageviews per visitor. Since adding Hello Bar our pageviews have doubled and this has resulted in a surge in revenue. It’s the highest ROI tool we have on our sites.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Using Hello Bar For SaaS Lead Generation—find key insights on using it to grow your email list with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

It only takes a few minutes to add Hello Bar and you don’t have to be a designer or engineer to do it. It’s simple enough to add the script directly into your page but is even easier with our many integration and app store apps.

Can I add Hello Bar into my Sales Stack?

Yes, absolutely. And, it’s very easy to do. You can easily integrate with Salesforce, Hubspot, your email provider and so many more. You can also connect Hello Bar through Zapier and we are here to help with any more connection you need.

Can I add Hello Bar to landing pages?

Yep! No problem. You can add Hello Bar to any type of webpage and it’s great for landing pages. However, even better is that you can take a single page and through targeting, create a ton of different landing page like experiences with one single page. That’ll save you time and money.

Who uses Hello Bar for SaaS lead generation

Over 700,000 websites have added Hello Bar since our launch in 2012. And, while we serve ambitious companies across a ton of different industries, we have worked with some of the fastest growing SaaS companies over the last decade. We are well known in the industry because of our ease of use and great results for SaaS lead generation.

Fire Up Your B2B SaaS Lead Generation With Hello Bar Lead Capture Units

Used by leading SaaS companies to drive leads and nurture those leads into more customers.

As a SaaS company ourselves, we know how challenging it can be to grow a B2B SaaS company. You have to get traffic, turn that traffic into leads and then convert those leads into customers. After that, your SaaS growth efforts are not done. You still have to retain those customers and expand revenue from those customers. It’s difficult. But, we love SaaS and that’s why we have been building SaaS companies for over a decade. We use Hello Bar in our own B2B SaaS lead generation and we are happy to have helped 1,000s of SaaS companies grow their B2B SaaS lead generation

We Got Our Start With B2B SaaS Lead Generation

There are a number of companies these days that offer popups. And, well, a lot of them copied a lot of what we helped invent and create. But, we got our start with SaaS lead generation. You see, Hello Bar was created by a digital agency. That digital agency worked with a lot of SaaS companies to help them drive qualified leads. That agency even worked with Google Ventures to help their portfolio companies with SaaS lead generation. So, that agency created a tool to let anybody launch and optimize units to generate leads within a target audience. 12 years later, we still help SaaS companies around the globe generate leads and especially sales-qualified leads.

SaaS Lead Generation With Hello Bar

With Hello Bar, SaaS lead generation gets much easier.

Templates specifically designed to generate leads

We have a ton of templates built and designed to generate leads to support your overall lead generation efforts.

Integrated into your SaaS lead generation stack

It’s easy to integrate Hello Bar into your SaaS lead generation stack whether you use Hubspot, Salesforce, an up-and-coming CRM, or just manage through your email provider.

Push leads where you want them

You can push leads anywhere you want them – once your integrations are set up, you can push them into your CRM, your ESP or both.

Notify your salespeople when you generate leads

As soon as a lead comes in, you can quickly notify your salespeople to turn those into sales-qualified leads. We have automated messaging that can send emails or Slack messages the minute you generate leads with Hello Bar.

Lead magnets are built in

You want to add value to your target audience and lead magnets are a key part of your lead generation efforts. You can easily include ebooks, whitepapers and other things to generate qualified leads. You can then nurture those SaaS leads into sales-qualified leads and, hopefully, customers.

Qualify Leads In Hello Bar

You can even add multi-step forms to your sites, so you aren’t just generating leads, but you are also turning those into marketing-qualified leads and sales-qualified leads. This is key because not all leads are created equal.

Customize Hello Bar To Your Target Audience

Most SaaS companies don’t just have one target audience. Instead, they may have many. But, it can be difficult in SaaS lead generation to engage each of these audiences. For example, a company may want to generate leads for a target audience of accountants. But, they also may want to do so with a target audience of lawyers and a target audience of doctors. With Hello Bar, you can easily turn a webpage into highly-relevant messages for each of those targets.

Customize the design for each target audience

You can customize your Hello Bar design to include images that are relevant to each target audience.

Customize the content too

Easily customize the content for each target audience to include messaging that is relevant to that audience.

Include different lead magnets

Include different lead magnets to create different series to nurture leads with content and follow-up that matters to each target market.

Add to your content marketing efforts

Content marketing is key as you nurture leads through the funnel. You can send qualified leads to different blog posts, articles, reports, and other things. And, Hello Bar offers a unique Inline product that allows you to easily add CTAs to all of your content marketing media. Many companies are good at driving traffic to their blogs, but generating leads from that traffic is difficult. With Hello Bar, it’s easier.

Establish trust with Hello Bar

You can establish trust in each target market to drive more saas leads. For example, while G2 reviews are great overall, many target markets have leading publications and ratings systems. You can add these specific reviews for each target market.

Use Hello Bar to improve your ROAS

You can use Hello Bar to increase your ROAS in your paid acquisition efforts. In fact, we have built-in features that allow you to match your lead generation units with search terms. This can mean a big improvement in conversions which can then lead to helping you scale your ad spend.

Hello Bar Inline Helps You Convert Leads From Your Content Marketing Efforts

If you are investing in content marketing efforts, you are probably creating and optimizing blog posts to attract the eyes of potential customers. And, those blog posts might be driving traffic and potential customers. But turning that traffic into marketing-qualified leads can be difficult. This is because there aren’t tools out there that make it easy to add calls to action directly within your blog posts. Or, I should say…there weren’t before Hello Bar Inline. Hello, Bar Inline allows you to place native-feeling CTAs into your content-rich pages to convert content and organic traffic into paying customers and ensure successful lead generation.


People have become more blind to traditional ads on a page. Native feeling units and native online advertising enjoy much better engagement rates. With Hello Bar Inline, you can create units that look native within your blog content and this can start to fill up your sales pipeline with your organic traffic.

Match The Content

You can also easily add CTAs that match the content that is being created by your marketing and sales teams. This results in being more relevant to your potential customers, and this can drive more leads.

Launch multiple lead generation campaigns

You can include a large number of different CTAs in your content. For example you may want a SaaS lead to go into your lead-nurturing funnel so you can launch a unit that generates more leads into that funnel. Or, you may want your SaaS lead to immediately call you. With a push-to-call unit in an article, you can generate more leads that instantly become phone calls.

Generate More Leads By Optimizing

All SaaS lead generation strategies (and all sales efforts overall) should include a healthy dose of testing and optimization. But, many SaaS lead generation strategies either don’t prioritize testing or don’t have the tools to conduct tests and optimizations quickly and affordably.

Hello Bar has built-in A/B testing

You may have effective lead generation strategies but just the wrong messaging that doesn’t resonate with your potential customers. Hello Bar helps you test your messaging and designs to see which performs best.

Great for testing messaging

Beyond helping drive more potential leads on your webpages, you can also test various messages to see which resonate with your target audience. You can then use that messaging in your marketing campaigns and sales process to drive more potential leads.

Hello Bar helps you generate high-quality leads

Often, a lead generation process and lead generation strategy focuses on how many leads from potential customers a company can generate. But, a good lead generation strategy should go beyond just how many potential leads they can capture and think about how many “high-quality leads” they can capture. With multi-step forms, Hello Bar can accelerate the sales process by arming your sales team with more information. For example, giving your sales team just a name and email address may be okay. But, giving them more information on that lead that you captured through a multi step form could arm them for success.

How To Use Hello Bar To Accelerate Your Lead Generation Strategy

Demand generation for a SaaS business is difficult but key to sales growth. And, while driving demand is difficult for any business, it can be especially hard for SaaS. As a SaaS business gets traction, other companies copy. So, sales growth comes down to combining great outbound marketing with strong inbound lead generation strategies and tools. And, a winning formula for SaaS lead generation takes consistency, clear messaging to a well-defined market and the right tools.

Hello Bar is one tool that many SaaS companies are using for demand generation.

Inbound lead generation is easier with Hello Bar because you can get more and more qualified leads

Inbound lead generation is all about using various forms of outbound marketing tactics to drive inbound lead generation. But, successfully attracting leads from your website traffic often gets challenging. This is where Hello Bar comes in. Hello Bar is an easy tool for converting leads from your existing traffic.

Hello Bar can also help with more traffic because it can help with search engine optimization

Hello Bar can help with search engine optimization. This leads to more traffic. And, more traffic plus higher conversions = more leads. And, because it’s easy to connect Hello Bar to your marketing automation or email marketing tools, nurturing leads is easy.

Hello Bar can help you rank better with search engines because search engines rank sites that have strong engagement enagement. Hello Bar helps you engage your audiences more.

Hello Bar can also help you get valuable insights from potential customers

You can also use Hello Bar to learn more about your visitors and what they are looking to accomplish. This helps with providing valuable insights about which markets you should be going after. You can come up with relevant content and use that relevant content to target potential leads and convert potential customers at a higher rate.

It’s Good To Use Hello Bar As You Would A Landing Page

Everybody knows that you should be using landing pages. Landing pages can be used to better convert your social media ads, search ads, other paid advertising campaigns and overall lead gen campaigns. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive to create a large number of landing pages. Well, the good news is that Hello Bar can be used like you would a landing page. You can do this by driving visitors to your homepage and then using Hello Bar’s targeting features to make the messaging and CTA’s relevant to each user based on what you know about that user. This can help you convert more potential customers into relevant leads.

The increased conversion rates from Hello Bar can enable you to scale up your ad spend

We all know that driving sales growth these days takes a marketing strategy that includes paid acquisition – search ads, social media ads, etc…Well, since Hello Bar can help increase your conversion rates from visitor to lead, this means that you can spend more money on advertising because your ROAS is higher. In other words, Hello Bar can work like a landing page in helping you lower your CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) and that’s the key to SaaS sales growth.

You can create both marketing-qualified leads and marketing-qualified leads using Hello Bar, and our various templates make both easier and more effective.

Hello Bar Should Be Included In Your Email Marketing Efforts

Hello Bar is a great supplement to your email marketing efforts.

Use Hello Bar to build up your email marketing lists

You can use Hello Bar to build up your email marketing list. Then, you can send valuable resources to that marketing list.

Use Hello Bar to automate nurturing leads

You can easily integrate Hello Bar with your email platform for nurturing leads in an automated fashion.

Lead funnels are especially important for a SaaS business and email is how to move people through those funnels

A SaaS business has to have a clear sales funnel and then use email marketing to move through that funnel. And, you can use email marketing + Hello Bar to more successfully move those leads through a funnel. One great way to do this is to send emails that have links to a landing page. Then, on that landing page, include a Hello Bar based on where that user is in the funnel.

Set Goals For Your Lead Generation Efforts Using Hello Bar

Like anything you want to optimize, you should set goals for how Hello Bar can help with your website as a lead generation channel.

Create clear goals

Create a clear goal for how much Hello Bar can help with your overall lead generation as well as individual lead generation tactics. For example, if you are getting a 1% conversion rate from your website traffic to a lead. Then, set a goal to use Hello Bar to increase that to 2%. Then track performance against that and optimize Hello Bar until you get there.

Create overall goals and more specific goals for different lead generation tactics

While your goal may be to increase your lead conversion rate to 2%, you should set goals and track conversion rates for all of your lead gen tactics or channels. For example, you may have different goals for paid search vs organic vs direct.

Track performance against these goals to make data-driven decisions

Once you have these goals in place, be sure to track the performance of your Hello Bar units. By doing so, you can determine which tactics or channels Hello Bar is helping with. For example, you may find that Hello Bar is especially good at increasing conversions for paid search. You can then make the decision to spend more money on paid search but also to invest the time and energy to put Hello Bar units on all of the pages you are driving search to.

Some Additional Best Practices For Sales Lead Generation With Hello Bar

Add value

Always add value to a user when you are asking for their contact information. This be by providing valuable content, giving them a free demo of your saas platform, or more.

Use the flexibility of Hello Bar to reach other goals

You don’t just have to use Hello Bar as part of your lead generation strategies. You can also use it to get insights from visitors or paying customers, getting paying customers to share information about Hello Bar, to incent people to follow you on your social media platforms and more.

Target and personalize

We have said it before, but it’s best to target and personalize your Hello Bar units to your different audiences. For example, if you provide valuable content as a lead magnet – consider if you should provide different valuable content to one target market for another target market. After all, what might be valuable content to some potential customers may not be to others.

Set up Hello Bar to immediately send your sales teams hot leads

You can send leads to your sales team immediately if you connect those leads to your Slack or use the feature that sends sales teams new leads via email. Oftentimes, the faster you respond to potential customers, the higher the conversion rate. This is because potential customers are often considering multiple different companies as they are researching your product.

Integrate with your lead scoring tech

You can integrate Hello Bar so you can add lead scoring to leads generated through Hello Bar.

Reach out to our customer service

If you want help with using Hello Bar for your SaaS lead generation, reach out to our customer service so we can help. We have helped thousands of SaaS companies and we would love to help you.

Conclusion: Hello Bar Can Help You Generate More Sales-Qualified Leads and Marketing-Qualified Leads

Leads are the lifeblood of growth for SaaS companies. Hello Bar is a proven, affordable, and an easy to use way to fire up your lead generation efforts. Hello Bar has been used by over 700,000 websites and some of the most successful SaaS companies have used Hello Bar for lead generation. With the increased conversions you can get from Hello Bar, you can scale up your various lead generation activities. This means you can increase your paid acquisition lead generation and invest more in organic marketing for increased lead generation.

Growing a SaaS business is hard and takes great sales efforts and a variety of tools and tactics to find lead generation approaches that work well. Hello Bar is a proven tool that can help with these efforts.