Proven Solution For Media & Blogs

Hello Bar helps large media groups and blogs of all sizes grow faster and better by building greater loyalty from their readers. And, we want to help you! 📝 🚀

Happy customers using Hello Bar to grow a blog

Happy Customers

Proven Solution For Blogs and Media

Media Groups

Use us across their sites to reduce bounce rates, increase return rates and grow pages per session.

Independent Sites

Independent media and content sites leverage the same tools as big media goups while also tapping into our monetization features.


Bloggers use our affordable and powerful tools to build active and engaged audiences within their niches.

Loved by Over 700,000 Websites Around the World

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How Media Companies & Blogs Use Hello Bar


Reduce Bounce Rates

If you want to grow a blog or media site, you need to reduce bounce rates. After all, pageviews are the lifeblood of media sites.


Increase Pageviews

We help you increase the number of pageviews per visitor so you can grow a blog or a media site.


Bring Visitors Back More Often

Hello Bar helps bring visitors back to websites more often thus helping blogs and media sites grow return visits, pageviews and revenues.

How To Use Hello Bar To Grow A Blog Or Media Site

Add Hello Bar

Sign up for Hello Bar and add the Hello Bar script directly into your website or use our integrations to connect with a wide variety of site creators, CMS systems, stores and more. We have a broad range of integrations including with some of the largest and newest pro media CMS platforms. We also do custom integrations.

Determine Goals

Do you need to reduce bounce rates? Or, do you want to get people to sign up for your email list so you can bring them back to your site more often? Or, is it more important to get people to stay on your site each time to visit more blog posts, articles and pages? Well, set your goals and Hello Bar can help you with each one of those (or all of those).

Set Triggers

Depending on your goals, you can set different triggers. For example, do you want to bring your readers back in when they go to exit your site? Use the exit intent trigger. Want to get them to read another article when they get to the bottomom of one of your posts? Use the scroll trigger. There are so many options.

Target & Personalize

Some of our most successful blog and media partners use our advanced targeting features to segment and target their audiences based on what they know about them. For example, you can target based on content interests, behaviors, geography, meta tags and more. We even have a custom rules engine you can use.


We got our start helping blogs and media companies and have tools built just for you. And, we get your challenges and opportunities.

Top Conversion Rates

Our results speak for themselves. We have some of the best conversion rates in the market and we work closely with our media and blog partners to help them optimize.

Very Flexible

You can use Hello Bar to meet one or many of your goals. You can place different Hello Bar units on different pages and the number of Hello Bar units you can create is unlimited.

Huge ROI

Most of our blog and media partners enjoy massive ROI from Hello Bar and it’s easy to track the visits and pageviews we help you gain.

Ten+ Years Helping Blogs and Media Sites Grow

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious websites reduce bounce rates, increase engagements, convert more visitors and grow revenue.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors that bounce to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to do that and I have used it on my own sites for 10+ years.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website, reduced our bounce rate, helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We drive a lot of traffic for our clients but, like all websites, they see big bounce rates. We have recommended Hello Bar to a lot of our clients and they have thanked us for it.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We were seeing large bounce rates and very few pageviews per visitor. We then added Hello Bar and our pageviews have exploded and this has led to strong direct revenue growth.”

Ian K.

CRO of PE Owned Media Group

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We started a new blog and community site and we were struggling to get people to come back. Hello Bar has not only helped us to bring people back but it has helped us build a newsletter business that will soon be our biggest revenue driver.”

Tasha B.

Founder of Sports Blog Network and Community


“Our sites were suffering from huge bounce rates with an average of only 1.2 pageviews per visitor. Since adding Hello Bar our pageviews have doubled and this has resulted in a surge in revenue. It’s the highest ROI tool we have on our sites.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Using Hello Bar to Grow A Blog Or Media Site—find key insights on using it to grow your blog or media site with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

You can add Hello Bar in under five minutes if you use one of our direct integration partners or one of our apps available in app stores from our CMS partners. Even if you want to add Hello Bar directly into your website, most people can do that within 15 minutes and you don’t need an engineer. We have clear instructions of how to add Hello Bar within our app and in our FAQs.

What kind of results do media sites and bloggers see with Hello Bar?

We drive some of the best results for media sites and bloggers. And, while there are a number of pop up copmanies out there, we outperform most of those for bloggers and media sites. We understand the business, have tools built specifically for the industry and dig in with our customers. On average, we see an increase of about 83% in key conversion metrics (for example, bounce rates, email capture, pageviews, etc…). Some see much largeer and some see much smaller rates.

What are some specific features for bloggers and media sites?

We have a series of templates built specifically to help you grow a blog or a media site. We also recently launched Hello Bar inline, a unique feature that lets you embed native units and CTAs directly within articles and blog content. We also have monetization capabilities to help our media partners earn additive revenue. And, our targeting features are some of the best in the business and many are very important in helping our media and blog customers drive more loyal readers.

Who uses Hello Bar?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have helped over 600,000 websites achieve conversion goals – from reducing bounce rate, to increasing conversion rate, to building up email lists and much more. Media companies and bloggers are some of the biggest users of Hello Bar. This is because media companies will typically make money based on pageviews.

By using Hello Bar, media companies and bloggers can increase pageviews and ad impressions and this can help improve revenues. And, while we enjoy partnering with large companies across industries, we love helping little companies figure out how to scale too.

How To Grow A Blog Using Hello Bar

Growing a blog is tough but Hello Bar makes it much easier. In fact, we were co-founded by one of the most successful bloggers on the planet.

We know the excitement of creating a blog and we love helping new bloggers get started. Find a blog template, come up with a name, write your first blog post, and try to get your blog listed everywhere you can.

But, then nobody reads it. So, you write another blog post, and over time a few people start showing up to your blog. And, then you write another blog post, another blog post, another post and another. And, over time, you start getting some blog traffic. But, then the real work begins if you want to take your blogging efforts to the next level, build an engaged audience and have a successful blog that actually makes money.

Because, the key to growing a blog is to get your readers to not just come to your site once, but to have them come back every time you create a new blog post. And, since we have been successful in creating a few blogs over the years we often get asked about how to grow a blog.

In fact, our Co-Founder, Neil Patel has one of the most read blogs in the world. He blogs about SEO, marketing, and more. And, he gets millions of people to his blog every month. But, just like you, he started with no visitors to his blog and had to figure out how to grow. And, one of the things that Neil always talks about is to get more of your blog visitors to do something when they come to your blog and to get them to come back more often.

Hello Bar Was Originally Built For Bloggers Like You

Hello Bar was created through a partnership between a leading web design/conversion agency and a leading internet marketer. And it was built to help blogs convert blog traffic into action. At the time, everybody was trying to figure out how to grow a blog and there were very few tools out there that could help.

So, Hello Bar was created as a simple bar to go at the top of a blog post, web page, or landing page. Neil and other bloggers started using it on their site and it was set to show on every blog post page. Quickly, other bloggers discovered Hello Bar and it went viral. Why? Well because it was super easy to add and was crazy effective in helping a blog to get visitors to read more blog posts and also visit other pages on their site.

As bloggers started to sell ebooks and other content, Hello Bar evolved and started adding other units and the company took off from there. And, over the last decade, Neil and hundreds of thousands of other bloggers have used Hello Bar as they figure out how to grow a blog, get more readers, get more traffic, and grow a business one blog post at a time. And, Hello Bar has more tools than ever to help you grow your blog.

If You Want To Grow Your Blog, Creating High-Quality Content Is Only Half The Battle

You have to create quality content if you want to drive more traffic to your blog, get more loyal blog readers and grow your blog into a business. After all, cruddy content isn’t interesting to anybody. In order for you to grow your blog, each blog post be interesting and valuable to your target audience.

But, that’s not enough. Because if you want to grow your blog, you have to do three things: 1) Get more readers to your blog; 2) Bring them back more often to read additional blog posts; 3) Get them to view more blog pages per visit. This is how other blogs find success and turn a blog into a business.

How Hello Bar Can Help You Grow Your Blog By Getting Your Blog Readers To Come Back More Often

When somebody visits one of your blog posts, your goal has to get them to come back in the future every time you release new blog posts. Hello Bar makes this super easy to do and that ease is why Hello Bar is loved by so many blogs.

The easiest and most popular way to do this is to get people to become email subscribers through a Hello Bar email opt-in form. Once people subscribe to your list, then you can automate the process of sending them your most popular and newest blog posts. Most Email Service Providers make this easy and Hello Bar is directly integrated with a lot of the most popular ESPs.

Hello Bar has tons of great templates to help you grow your blog email list and Hello Bar’s conversion rates are very high. You can get people to sign-up for your blog email list through a ton of different unit placements and triggers. For example, you can include a Hello Bar email capture unit as people go to exit your site. Or, you can use a top bar that invites people to join your email list at the top of all of your blog content. But you can also use a Hello Bar opt-in form to drive other actions from your blog content.

In addition to using Hello Bar to capture email subscribers to power up your email marketing, you can also get people to follow you on your favorite social media platform, get people to buy eBooks or courses from your blog or sign up for a premium subscription. In fact, one of the great things about Hello Bar is that you can use our various units to grow your blog by doing all of those things.

How Hello Bar Can Help You Grow Your Blog By Getting More Pageviews From Every Visitor

I’m guessing you don’t just want to know how to grow your blog but you want to figure out how to grow a blog that is also a good business. And, in doing that, the math of blogging is pretty simple.

It starts with the number of unique visitors that you can drive to your own blog.

Then, you need to multiply that by the number of times (on average) your blog readership comes back. For example, a reader that comes once and doesn’t come back won’t become engaged and won’t help you to grow. But, a reader that comes back four times per month becomes loyal and is very valuable.

The third piece then is how many pageviews your blog readership views every time they come to your site. If they only visit your latest blog post, that means they will only stay for one pageview. But, if they stay to read related or popular articles, then that’s more pageviews and you’ll grow your business faster.

Hello Bar makes getting your blog readership to read more blog posts super easy. You can use Hello Bar units to suggest other articles and it’s super easy to personalize and target those suggestions.

How Hello Bar Can Help You Better Serve Your Blog Traffic By Customizing Your Messaging To Each Target Audience

You may write articles about a bunch of different topics. But, in order to grow your blog, you really need to show your visitors that you have content that is valuable to them. And, while you might create crave-worthy content, each visitor might want some of your content and not be interested in some of the other.

So, what if you could deliver the exact kind of content your target audience wants to read? Well, with Hello Bar you can do that. Just use Hello Bar’s targeting features to drive certain readers to certain blog posts based on what you know about these readers.

Hello Bar’s Inline Feature Is A Game Changer For Getting Your Readers To Take Action Within Each Blog Post

Hello Bar offers a series of different popups and conversion units that can help you grow your blog. But, one of the things that has driven blog growth for Neil Patel and other bloggers over the years are units and calls to action that can be placed directly within a blog post. However, the thing is – these bloggers had to get creative in building custom units to place within their content because there wasn’t an easy plug ‘n play solution.

But, now there is with Hello Bar’s inline feature. This allows you to add native feeling conversion units and CTAs directly within your blog posts. Hello Bar inline allows you to take a page from these popular bloggers to grow your blog.

Hello Bar Can Help You Grow Your Blog By Ranking Better With Search Engines

Now that you have your own blog, you have probably learned just how hard it can be to rank with the search engines. But, to grow your blog, you have to figure out how to start getting organic traffic from the search engines. Well, one of the things that Search Engines consider when they put one site over another is the level of site engagement.

If your blog visitors arrive, only read one article and then bounce, this shows low engagement. But, if they stay for multiple pageviews, this shows the search engines that your site has good engagement and this will help rank your site higher. Hello Bar can help with this because our various units are designed to help you keep your reader on your site for longer.

Other Ways Hello Bar Can You Grow Your Own Blog

There are tons of other ways Hello Bar can help you grow your blog.

Drive people from your blog to your social media channels

Most bloggers bury the links to their social media platforms at the bottom of the page. With Hello Bar, you can bring these social channels front and center to get people to join your Facebook groups, read recent social media posts or follow your social media accounts.

Show social proof

You can use Hello Bar units to share social proof. Has somebody said something great about your blog? Well, you can include that in a Hello Bar unit. Did you just win an award? Share that in a Hello Bar to build more social proof.

Grow your blog network with other bloggers

Want to write a guest post? Use a Hello Bar to share that you are open to guest posting on other blogs. Does your blog accept guest blogging so you can create more blog content? Well, use a Hello Bar to let people know that you are looking for people looking for guest blogging opportunities.

Highlight especially crave-worthy content on your blog

Have some content that is especially juicy and your readers love. Use a Hello Bar unit to share that content with all of your visitors.

Welcome new readers to your blog

With Hello Bar you can welcome new readers to your blog through the platform’s unique targeting and personalization features. That way, you can show different messaging to them vs the loyal readers of your blog.

Share your blog editorial calendar and get feedback

Want to get feedback from your blog readers about your upcoming editorial calendar? Or, want your blog readers to help you build up your editorial calendar with valuable content to them? Hello Bar is a great way to do that.


Growing a blog takes passion and a lot of hard work. Hello Bar has been helping bloggers grow their own blogs for years and we would love to help you too. Our easy-to-use platform can be used to grow your email lists, sell content, convert people to your paid newsletters, and more. And, as bloggers ourselves, we are always here to answer questions, provide help or just say hello. Keep creating great content and we can’t wait to see what you do with Hello Bar. Let’s do this!!