Quickly Boost Conversions With Hello Bar

Hello Bar has helped over 600,000 websites boost conversions of all kinds – from increasing e-commerce sales, to growing email lists, to generating leads, to getting feedback, to announcing news products and sales. Flexible. Powerful. Affordable. 💸🚀

Happy customers using Hello Bar to boost conversions

Happy Customers

A Simple and Powerful Way to Boost Your Conversions

Neil Patel

Help thought leaders and digital brands boost conversion rates by 3x+


Power top ecommerce stores to reduce cart abandonment by 47%+


Partner with top media companies to increase email capture by 5x+

Helping boost conversions for over 600,000 websites since 2012

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How Ambitious Companies Use Hello Bar To Boost Conversions & Increase Revenues

Boost Sales Conversions

E-commerce companies, course creators, thought leaders and others use Hello Bar to convert visitors into sales and customers.

Increase Leads

SaaS companies, agencies, attorneys, real estate agents, agencies and others use Hello Bar to skyrocket their leads.

Grow Email Lists

Media companies, bloggers, e-commerce companies, newsletters and others use Hello Bar to quickly build and grow email lists.

How To Get Started Boosting Conversions With Hello Bar

Add Hello Bar

It only takes five minutes to sign up for Hello Bar and install it on your website. You can add it directly to your site or you can use one of our integrations with leading CMS platforms, email service providers and more. And, it’s so easy to do that you don’t need a developer’s help.

Choose Conversion Goals

Choose your conversion goals…and, yes, we mean that you can select multiple conversion goals. That’s part of what’s great about Hello Bar. Add a unit to your homepage to grow your email list. Include an announcement bar to a product page to announce a sale. And, add an exit unit to your shopping cart page to recover abandoned carts.


Our drag and drop no code builder makes it super simple to design your Hello Bar units. You can use one of our 100s of goal-specific templates or you can easily design units from scratch. You can even add custom CSS and other code to take your Hello Bar units even further.

Publish & Optimize

Click the publish button and then start optimizing. Hello Bar includes built in A/B testing, some of the most advanced targeting features available and all plans include unlimited Hello Bar units. This means you can test different units on different pages, personalize these units and boost conversions quickly and easily.

Unit Placements

You can choose among the original “Hello Bar” (top bar), bottom bars, full page takeovers, modals, corner units, on-site notifications, and more.

Targeting & Personalization

With advanced targeting features, Hello Bar enables you to boost conversions by personalizing the messaging and designs within your Hello Bar units.

Drag & Drop Builder

Co-created by a leading UI/UX web design agency, Hello Bar was built to make anybody be able to add beautiful conversion units to any webpage.

Proven Templates

Hello Bar’s templates have been proven to boost conversions for over 10 years and have been used by companies big and small.

10+ Years Helping Stores Recover Abandoned Carts

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious stores recover abandoned carts and the market loves us for it.

“The key to growing a business is to get the 99% of website visitors that don’t take an action to take an action. Hello Bar is the easiest way to do that. I have used it in all my businesses.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We are great at driving traffic for our clients but then our clients ask us how they convert that traffic into sales. Hello Bar has helped us answer that question and drive great results.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“Every online store struggles with abandoned carts and recovering those carts can be the difference between being successful and not. We have used Hello Bar to convert more of our carts and increase our AOV.”

Raul D.


Lead Quizzes Logo

“As a leading marketing freelance platform we were getting a lot of traffic but needed to convert that traffic to leads and clients. Hello Bar helped us quickly, easily and affordably solve that.”

Dan M.

Growth Collective


“I’m not exxagerating when I say that the ROI on Hello Bar is like 500 to 1. It has transformed our sales by helping us build up our email list, convert more visitors to customers and increase the average order value.”

Jonathan T.

Leader of 8 leading fashion sites in Australia


FAQs For Boosting Conversions With Hello Bar —find key insights on using it to boost conversions with answers to common questions.

How much does Hello Bar boost conversions?

It varies depending on the website, conversion goals and other factors. However, we regularly talk with our customers and ask how much Hello Bar is helping them convert their website traffic into customers, leads, email subscribers and more. And, the average we hear back is that Hello Bar helps our customers boost conversions, on average, by about 83%. Again, some customers see larger conversion improvements while others see lower conversion improvements. But, as Hubspot has said, adding popups is one of the best way to boost conversion and Hello Bar is one of the original and most trusted popup platforms available.

How expensive is Hello Bar?

We have a variety of different plans that are designed to scale with you as you grow. And, we enable all of our customers to test Hello Bar out for free. We also have worked hard to keep our prices lower than many of our competitors and believe it’s important to be transparent in our pricing (unlike many of our competitors). And, one of the great things about Hello Bar and other popup tools is that they, typically, will drive high ROI. After all, just one added purchase, one or two more sales leads, or a few handfuls of more email subscribers can easily pay for Hello Bar and more.

What are some important things to do in using Hello Bar to boost conversions?

Like any tool, the more you put into Hello Bar the more you will get out of it. Setting Hello Bar up is simple, quick and easy. And, you should see a bump in conversions by just adding a Hello Bar unit or two to your website so long as you have a clear goal in mind.

However, if you really want to boost conversions, we suggest: 1) Testing multiple units across different pages of your site; 2) Using the built in A/B testing to test different designs and copy; 3) Leveraging the advanced targeting and personalization features within the platform to make your Hello Bar units relevant to your various audiences; 4) Provide value as part of trying to boost conversions. For example, offer discounts, coupons, content or other things that help your audiences to be successful; 5) Put tracking in place to test how your Hello Bars are performing. This is easy via Hello Bar’s built-in analytics or you can easily integrate Google Analytics; 6) Build Hello Bar into your workflows using our many integrations. Use Hello Bar to help automate your workflows and marketing using the many integrations we offer across email service providers, website CMS/website building tools, marketing automate platforms and more. We even have a partnership with Zapier to enable just about any hook you can think of.

There are plenty more things you can do to elevate your conversion game even further with Hello Bar but the above is a good start.

Who uses Hello Bar to boost conversions?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and, literally, invented the “Hello Bar” top bar unit that so many of our competitors have tried to copy. In the early days of Hello Bar, these Hello Bars helped boost conversions for famous thought leaders, well known startups and large media companies.

In more recent years, Hello Bar has evolved to be a full service platform of a variety of different conversion units. Over 700,000 websites have signed up for Hello Bar and we work with companies of all sizes. Large companies, start-ups, e-commerce stores, non-profits, media companies and agencies have used us to scale. And, we are equally proud to work with many small “mom and pop” companies, independent bloggers and other ambitious people and companies trying to grow things online.

Want To Boost Conversions?

Hello Bar Is A Proven, Easy & Affordable Place To Start

As our Co-Founder Neil Patel says, “The best way to grow a business is to get more of your website visitors to take action.” Yep, that’s right…so many companies obsess about getting more website visitors but then don’t do the work to get more of those visitors to become customers, email subscribers, social followers or more. The key to grow is obsessing about your conversion rate as much as you do about your website traffic numbers…

We’re All Looking To Increase The Conversion Rate Of Our Websites

Most business leaders generally understand that the more people we can get to do something on their website, the better. After all, only 1=5% of visitors to a website will normally do something on that site. So, the best way to grow online is to get more of your visitors to do something. But, while most leaders understand that, many also don’t understand how to boost conversion by doing conversion rate optimization.

Therefore, they are stuck with an average conversion rate (or, even, worse, a subpar conversion rate) that doesn’t convert enough of their potential customers to become profitable.

Many Conversion Rate Optimization Tactics Take A Big Investment Of Time And Money

The Good News: When business leaders start down the road of improving a website’s conversion rate, they quickly start learning a few things. First, they learn the good news about increasing their website’s conversion rate. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to improve conversion rates.

Second, there is more and more information about how to do conversion rate optimization. Third, there are quite a lot of conversion rate optimization specialists that can come in and help improve conversion rates. Next, conversion rate optimization can, literally, be the thing that turns a business from losing money into making a profit and being able to scale.

And, finally, they learn that with time, energy, money and effort, conversion rates can start building momentum and positively impact the rest of their business.

The Bad News: But, they also learn the bad news. Conversion rate optimization can be very expensive and time consuming. There are so many ways to increase conversion rates and the secret is that to boost conversion rates, you have to stack a bunch of little wins on top of each other. You create a conversion funnel and start to understand all of the little things you can impact. You develop a landing page or a few landing pages and see a bit of a bump in your conversion rate. You fix some broken links and see a bit more of a bump. You add social proof elements and you see another bit of a bump.

As an ecommerce site, you add a money-back guarantee and see your conversion rates increase some more. You do mobile optimization to increase your mobile conversion rates. You improve your page load times and page speed, offer free shipping, add a live chat feature, get in the habit of b testing, become a whiz at landing page design, add customer testimonials, improve your website visibility, add a search bar so people can find what they are looking for, include a discount code to top customers, and the list goes on. And, those little wins stack up to a much bigger win–increasing conversions, more profit, a new skillset in conversion rate optimization, and more. But, that all comes with a ton of time, money and work. All well worth it, but again, a lot of time, money and work.

But Here’s The Really Good News – Hello Bar Is An Easy, Quick And Affordable Way To Boost Conversions

Conversion Rate Optimization is the long game, and you should consider that as you look to increase your conversion rate through a well-thought-out conversion rate strategy. That conversion rate strategy should involve a bunch of different activities that sit across design, marketing, engineering and more. And, part of that strategy should be about having a culture of conversion rate optimization where the whole company and the whole team see conversion rate improvements as part of their job description.

But, most parts of your conversion rate strategy will require a great deal of time, energy and money. You may need to hire an expert who has the experience necessary to increase conversions on your site (or just to have extra hands). You probably need a designer or marketer to build a landing page or multiple landing pages. You may need an engineer who can create tests with your checkout form. And, you can do all of that to improve conversions. But, the great thing about Hello Bar is that it’s a simple and powerful tool that you can add to quickly, easily and affordably increase the conversion rate of your site or landing page.

With Hello Bar, you don’t need to know everything about conversion optimization and you don’t have to stop your other CRO efforts to implement it. You don’t need a designer or an engineer or a copywriter. You just need a few minutes and you can tap into the proven templates Hello Bar has built over the last 12+ years. In fact, Hubspot says the best way to boost conversion rates is to add email capture to your website and Hello Bar is one of the original companies to make it easy to do that.

Hello Bar Can Be Used To Increase Your Conversion Rate Across A Ton Of Different Use Cases

Ecommerce sites

Ecommerce sites use Hello Bar to recover abandoned carts, include social proof, add to each landing page for their ad buying and provide other incentives to get a potential customer to become an actual customer.


Bloggers user Hello Bar in a few ways, but importantly to capture email addresses so they can send new blog posts when they are published (increasing visits and revenue).

SaaS Companies

SaaS companies use Hello Bar as a mini landing page or place on other landing pages that help convert visitors into potential customers (leads).

Service Providers

Attorneys use Hello Bar turn website visitors into potential customers or clients.


Non-Profits use Hello Bar to increase conversions on donation pages. All of these use cases are different but Hello Bar is a proven tool in conversion optimization for all of these use cases.

And more…

And the list goes on–in fact, nearly any online company can use Hello Bart to boost conversions.

Popups Are A Flexible Way To Add Value To Your Visitors As You Look To Boost Conversions

There are a lot of ways to improve your conversions on a website, but popups are one of the easiest and highest ROI ways to do so. Popups are easy to add and just as easy to edit. Popups are proven to be effective. And, popups are very flexible. You can use them to hit most of your conversion goals–from growing your email list, to getting more customer feedback to capturing more mobile users for your store to increasing leads. And, so much more.

In fact, anything you can do with a landing page you can do with a Hello Bar and more. And you can use Hello Bar and other popups for micro conversions (go to a specific URL) or a macro conversion (a sale) anywhere along your site’s customer journey.

Hello Bar and other popups are also very flexible in that you can place them anywhere on your site to get more conversions and you can add one or many. You can embed a Hello Bar unit in a blog post, on your pricing page, on your homepage, on a sales page or any and all of your landing pages.

There Is Nothing Average About Hello Bar’s Average Conversion Rate

Hello Bar’s average conversion rate is WAY above average conversion rates. And, while we don’t mean to brag, we have helped boost the conversion rate of over 600,000 websites who have used our online forms, popups, bars and other conversion units over the years. And, because even our average conversion rates are…well…way above average, we have been trusted by some of the most well-known thought leaders, e-commerce sites, media companies, and companies around.

How Hello Bar Can Increase The Conversion Rate Of An Ecommerce Website

Hello Bar is well-loved by e-commerce stores, big and small. From Shopify stores to Woo Commerce stores. From custom built stores to Big Commerce shops. From stores built on Webflow, Wix, Squarespace and more. And, there is a simple reason Hello Bar is so loved by these stores. Hello Bar is effective in driving up a store’s conversion rate but also is super easy to use. It can be added to an webpage, landing page, blog, product pages or more.

And, because Hello Bar doesn’t limit the number of conversion units you can add, you can add different Hello Bar units to different product pages, use one Hello Bar unit on a landing page and another one for social proof and another one on a checkout page. In fact, because you can easily customize each Hello Bar unit, you can easily turn webpages into landing pages by simply customizing the messaging of the Hello Bar unit to the context of the page.

How Hello Bar Can Be Used To Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is still one of the most ROI positive marketing channels around and it isn’t slowing down. So, if you can increase your conversion rate in capturing emails from website visitors, you can increase you overall revenue. And, with the average conversion rate on Hello Bar email units ranging from 1-18%, by simply adding Hello Bar you can build up a much larger email list and grow revenues. You can gain email subscribers by having email capture units on product pages, on exit if somebody forgets to complete their purchase or just about anywhere else where you can provide an incentive to a visitor for them to add themselves to your email list.

How Hello Bar Can Help You Grow Your Leads

For sales-driven organizations, leads are the key to growth. And, well, let’s face it–getting leads is harder and more expensive than ever. More companies are doing outbound sales. Generating leads through paid acquisition keeps going up in price. And, getting interested visitors to add their name to your lead funnel can be daunting.

With Hello Bar, gathering leads is simple and you can test different units to figure out which approach drives the most leads. You can try a quiz-like unit that engages the visitor more before asking for contact information. You can have long forms or short forms or forms in between. You can include lead magnets. You can A/B test different designs and messages to determine which drive the best results. And you can target the messaging for your Hello Bar unit based on what your potential leads have expressed interest in (for example, have clicked on certain ad keywords or are reading certain kinds of content, etc…).

How Hello Bar Can Help You Get More Phone Calls, Get Feedback, Direct Users To Certain Content, Announce Sales and New Products, and So Much More…

Get the point? If you have a conversion goal, Hello Bar can help. And, you can can use a bunch of different Hello Bar units to drive all of these conversion goals. Simple – yep. Powerful – uh huh. ROI positive – ya, one of the most ROI positive tools you can add to your site.

Final Words

The list of website conversions Hello Bar can power is massive…from sales to leads to emails to product feedback to surveys and so many more. And, again, the good news is you don’t decide which one of these website conversion goals you want to use Hello Bar to achieve. You can use all of them and all Hello Bar plans include unlimited units. If you are looking to drive a higher conversion rate, there are so many tools and tactics that make up a clear and achievable CRO plan. But, one of the easiest things you can do to boost conversions is add Hello Bar. It’s easy, flexible and has been shown to drive massive conversion rates.