Active Campaign + Hello Bar Integration

Generate leads with Hello Bar and use Active Campaign to run targeted email campaigns to turn leads into customers.

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Select integration

Use Hello Bar’s one-click Active Campaign connection.

Grow your revenue

Convert 83% More Of Your Visitors Into Leads, Subscribers & Buyers

Increase visitor engagement

Collect high-quality emails

Reduce cart abandonment



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How to Integrate Hello Bar with Active Campaign

Integrating Active Campaign with Hello Bar can help you create a streamlined conversion funnel. Luckily, Hello Bar offers easy integration with Active Campaign or any email platform of your choice, with just a few steps in the process.

Here is the step-by-step process of integrating Active Campaign with Hello Bar.

1. Log in to your Hello Bar account and go to the “Contacts” menu to see the various integration options. Click on “New Contact List” next.

hb contacts v1

2. You will get an option to name your new contact list and send it to your preferred email platform. Click on the “Show all tools” option to find a comprehensive list of tools.

hb show tools v1 opt

3. Browse through the options available to find and select Active Campaign from the list.

Hello Bar Active Campaign Integration

4. Gather your Active Campaign account credentials, enter them into the required fields, then select the connect option to complete the first part of the Active Campaign and Hello Bar integration.

Hello Bar Active Campaign Integration Connection

Types of Popups Included With All Hello Bar Plans



Persistent header and footer bars that scroll with your visitors.



Popups that appear to capture visitor’s attention at key moments.



Small floating messages to provide user prompts and engagement.



Engaging sliders that rotate through relevant content.


Page Takeovers

Full screen takeovers for when you want to get your visitor’s full attention.

Hello Bar Features Available for Active Campaign Users


Customize every element with just a few clicks to match your website style.



100s of pre-built themes. Find one that fits your brand style.



Customize any element with the visual editor. Color, size, layout, and more.

Design Assistant

Design Assistant

Automatically detects your site design and matches colors, fonts, and styling.


Show the right message to the right person at the right time.



Target visitors by city, state, country, and more.


Ad, Campaign

Target visitors by ad, campaign, source, medium, and more.


Date & Time

Schedule messaging and offers by time, date, returning visitors, and more.

Tracking & Optimizing

See how your campaigns are performing and make them better.



Metrics let you track and analyze performance. See what’s working and what you need to improve.


Custom Reports

Create custom reports with the data most relevant to your business.


Test & Optimize

Run A/B tests to find new and better-performing campaigns.

Benefits of Integrating Active Campaign with Hello Bar

Integrating ActiveCampaign with HelloBar offers several advantages for businesses looking to optimize their marketing automation and lead generation efforts. Here are the key benefits of this integration:

1. Automated Lead Capture:

HelloBar can capture leads directly from your website through attention-grabbing bars and pop-ups. When integrated with ActiveCampaign, these leads are automatically added to your ActiveCampaign lists or CRM, eliminating the need for manual data entry.

2. Enhanced Segmentation:

With leads from HelloBar being automatically added to ActiveCampaign, you can easily segment your email lists based on how users interacted with your HelloBar prompts. This segmentation allows for more targeted and relevant email campaigns.

3. Personalized Email Campaigns:

Integration enables you to use data from HelloBar to create highly personalized email campaigns in ActiveCampaign. For instance, you can tailor content based on user actions or interests captured through HelloBar.

4. Streamlined Workflow Automation:

ActiveCampaign’s automation features can be triggered by leads coming from HelloBar. For example, you can set up automated workflows to send a welcome email sequence or follow-up messages to new subscribers, improving engagement and conversion rates.

5. Improved Follow-Up:

Automated follow-up sequences can be set up in ActiveCampaign for leads captured through HelloBar. This ensures that new subscribers receive timely and relevant communications, enhancing the chances of converting them into customers.

6. Better Data Accuracy:

By automating the transfer of leads from HelloBar to ActiveCampaign, you reduce the risk of manual data entry errors. This helps ensure that your email lists are accurate and up-to-date.

7. Enhanced Analytics and Reporting:

Integration allows you to track the performance of your HelloBar campaigns and their impact on your email marketing efforts in ActiveCampaign. This provides valuable insights into lead generation and campaign effectiveness, allowing for data-driven optimization.

8. Time Savings:

Automating the process of adding leads from HelloBar to ActiveCampaign saves time and reduces administrative overhead. This frees up your team to focus on strategic tasks and creative aspects of marketing.

9. Consistent Messaging:

Integration ensures that new leads from HelloBar are consistently added to your ActiveCampaign system. This helps maintain a unified approach to messaging and ensures that all new leads are included in your email marketing efforts.

10. Increased Engagement:

With the ability to automate responses and follow-ups based on HelloBar interactions, you can engage with leads more effectively. Automated, timely communications help keep your audience interested and increase the likelihood of conversion.

11. Customizable Automation:

ActiveCampaign offers robust automation capabilities that can be customized based on the information captured by HelloBar. This means you can create tailored workflows and responses that fit your specific marketing goals.

Overall, integrating ActiveCampaign with HelloBar enhances your ability to capture, manage, and nurture leads effectively. It streamlines processes, improves data accuracy, and allows for more personalized and impactful marketing campaigns.

Other Integrations Offered by Hello Bar

Connect Hello Bar with your tech stack to unlock its full potential.

integrations logo


What is Hello Bar?

Hello Bar is a popup builder that enables you to create high-converting forms and popups for lead generation. It offers ready-to-use templates that you can customize to create engaging website popups that convert your site visitors into leads.

Why should you integrate Active Campaign with Hello Bar?

While Hello Bar will help you capture leads, you need email marketing and other tactics to nurture those leads and drive conversions. Active Campaign is one of the top email marketing platforms that you can use to promote your business and convert leads into customers.

By integrating Active Campaign with Hello Bar, you can automatically add new leads to your email lists, streamlining the conversion funnel. Then, you can use targeted messages to engage the leads in your contact list.

How can you connect Active Campaign with Hello Bar?

Hello Bar offers seamless integration with various email marketing tools, including Active Campaign. You simply need to go to the “Contacts” menu, create a new contact list, and choose Active Campaign from the available options to connect Active Campaign with Hello Bar.

You will also need to log in to your Active Campaign account and choose which email list you want to direct your Hello Bar contacts to.

Do you need an Active Campaign account to connect with Hello Bar?

Yes, you need an Active Campaign account to use the platform and target leads with engaging email marketing platforms. If you don’t have an Active Campaign account, you can’t connect Active Campaign with Hello Bar.

Does Hello Bar have a free plan?

Yes, Hello Bar offers a free forever plan, with no restrictions on how many popups you can create. It is, however, limited to 5,000 views, beyond which you need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Follow the step-by-step process mentioned above and sync Active Campaign with Hello Bar to engage your leads and nudge them to become customers.