A Native Lead Capture Form Solution

Hello Bar’s Inline feature enables you to add a native lead capture form to any content-rich web page, blog, or landing page. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸš€

Photos of top marketers using Hello Bar Inline lead capture form

Happy Customers

Inline Lead Capture Forms


Hello Bar’s unique inline lead capture forms enable you to convert content rich pages into leads.

Easy to use

Hello Bar’s inline feature is easy to use and includes a variety of professionally designed templates.


Modeled after custom inline units by some of the leading companies and thought leaders in the world.

Used by content teams around the world.

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Why Hello Bar Inline Drives More Leads



As people have become more blind to popups and ads, native feeling ads and units are more important and effective.


Easy to Add

Inline Lead Capture Forms from Hello Bar are easy to add, design, publish, and optimize.


Personalized & Targeted

Targeted lead capture units simply do better.

How To Use Hello Bar Inline To Add Native Lead Captures

Add Hello Bar

If you already have a Hello Bar account you can simply create another unit and choose inline. If you don’t yet use Hello Bar, signing up is easy and can be done directly on your site or through our ready-to-go integrations or apps.

Choose Page Location

Choose the location of your inline units within your content-rich pages. You can add inline directly within an article or to the side, above or below content. And, the great thing is you can add multiple inline units.

Create A Clear Call To Action

Create a clear call to action for you inline lead capture units. You can choose to send people to another page, build up your email list, schedule a meeting or so many more conversion goals.

Target & Optimize

Hello Bar’s inline lead capture units are like mini landing pages WITHIN content. This means you can customize and target these units to match the content in which they are placed.

Easy To Use

Our easy-to-use inline lead capture builder requires zero design or development skills.

Modeled After Custom Units

Hello Bar’s inline lead capture units are modeled after those custom and expensive ones used by leading thought leaders and companies to convert content-rich pages.

Very Flexible

You can add as many inline leap capture units as you want, and they are entirely flexible to match your brand, goals, and so much more.


Hello Bar inline units drive great conversion rates resulting in excellent ROI.

Why Customers Love Inline

Proven. Easy to use. Powerful.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors that bounce to take an action. I have used Hello Bar and inline-like units to build big businesses from my blog posts.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website, reduced our bounce rate, helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We work with a lot of companies looking to capture leads for their sales efforts. We have often recommended Hello Bar and our clients thank us for it.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We create content for clients that hope to rank for SEO. Hello Bar’s inline lead capture units help us to convert the traffic we grow into leads and sales.”

Stephanie W.

Owner of a Content Agency

Lead Quizzes Logo

“Since launching Hello Bar on our platform, we have been able to convert our blog content into leads every day. We used to just get blog traffic that wouldn’t convert. But, now Hello Bar drives a big percentage of our leads.”

Max M.

Founder of Freelance Talent Marketplace


“We needed to grow our membership revenue and so we started placing membership messaging directly within our content. It’s early but we are already seeing good traction.”

Bryan J.

CRO for Media Group


FAQs For Using A Lead Capture Form From Hello Barβ€”find key insights on using a lead capture form to grow your email list with answers to common questions.

How long does it take to add Hello Bar?

It takes anywhere from 5-20 minutes depending on how you choose to add it. If you use one of our pre-built installers, you can have Hello Bar up and running in 5 minutes. If you decide, instead, to add the code directly to your site, that takes max 20 minutes.

How many leads can I expect to get from Hello Bar?

That depends on how much traffic you get, how aggressive you are in your lead capture efforts and how much you optimize. But, we see many of our customers get about an 83%+ lift in conversions. Obviously, some get much higher and some get lower. But, we are also here to help.

What are some specific features in Hello Bar’s lead capture forms?

We have a ton of different features. After all, we have been supplying great companies with lead capture solutions for over 10 years. But, some of our most unique and powerful features include: 1) An award winning no-code form builder; 2) Advanced targeting and personalization features; 3) Built in analtyics and optimization functionality; 4) Integrations with your favorite sales and marketing tech stack; 5) Easy to add lead magnets; 6) And, 100’s more features designed to help you convert more leads.

Who uses Hello Bar?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have helped over 700,000 websites achieve conversion goals – from capturing sales leads, to increasing sales, to building up email lists and much more. We are happy to say that we work with some massive companies with huge sales teams but are also very proud to work with small up-and-comers that may only have one or two people driving sales.

Why Add Hello Bar Inline?

It’s an easy and effective way to add a lead capture form and CTA into any webpage or blog post to convert your audience.

Hello Bar’s recently-launched Inline feature enables you to easily add a lead capture form directly within a webpage or blog post. This allows you to convert your site visitors with native-feeling units directly within the content of your webpages and blog posts. Take your content marketing efforts to the next level.

What Is A Lead Capture Form?

A lead capture form is a form that you can place anywhere on, above or around a webpage to get information from your website visitor so you can follow up with that information to convert that individual to a customer. In other words, these forms are like mini landing pages to drive more leads so you can gain more new customers.

What Is Unique About Hello Bar Inline As A Lead Capture Form?

While most popup companies focus on modals, bars and other popup forms for lead capture, Hello Bar has been generating results for its customers for over 10 years and knows that one of the best ways to capture a lead is directly within the content itself.

Take, for example, a blog post. Most companies work hard to drive traffic to their website, and they do that by creating blog posts. However, those companies then quickly become frustrated that their blog posts don’t convert to a lead or sale. This is because many companies still don’t use lead generation forms.

Popups that sit on top of the page or outside of the content itself is a great way to convert these visitors into a lead. However, studies show that native advertising and native lead capture forms have a higher conversion rate (meaning, more leads!).

That’s why Hello Bar created Hello Bar Inline, a native feeling lead capture form with multiple possible form fields and a CTA button that can be inserted right into a blog article, landing page or website.

Tips To Making Inline Lead Capture Forms Successful In Lead Generation.

First, be sure to use Hello Bar’s design tools to make the inline lead capture forms feel native. You can also use Hello Bar’s design assistant to automatically match your site’s brand.

Second, place multiple inline lead capture forms and multiple ctas in your content so your user sees these call-to-action units as he or she scrolls down the match.

Third, be sure to match the content of the inline lead capture form to the content of the page where you place the form. For example, if you are a travel agency that covers travel in Europe and you are placing a unit in an article about travel in Spain…use design and copy to focus the unit on Spain travel.

This will increase the chances you can collect information from the visitor as you are promising to give them more information about a country he/she is interested in traveling to.

Fourth, be sure to integrate your lead capture form directly into your marketing tools so you can immediately reach out for all leads generated.

Next, be sure to test different copy and designs for your inline lead capture units to drive more conversions. Hello Bar makes this easy with it’s built-in A/B Testing capabilities.

And, finally, be sure that you give a reason for somebody to complete your inline form and become a lead. You want them to feel they are going to get value from adding their name and information into your form. You can offer a coupon, VIP status, a useful article, a free ebook or something else that your audience will find valuable and complete your signup form.

What can Hello Bar’s Inline Lead Capture Forms Be Used For?

That’s the great thing about Hello Bar Inline – it enables you to place a variety of different content and calls to action to generate a lead. Therefore, these lead capture units should be used in all of your content marketing efforts. In fact, we encourage our customers to build Hello Bar Inline into their content marketing workflows. Create a blog post, add Hello Bar Inline lead capture units throughout the blog post, and then publish.

With Inline, you can do everything you can do with Hello Bar’s other units. You can collect basic information or have longer forms that ask for more information from the lead. And, you don’t just have to stick to one. You can have different calls to action at the top of a blog post vs those at the bottom.

Like the name implies, the primary reason they are used is to generate leads for your sales team. However, you can also use them to collect email addresses, point a visitor to other related content, use them as a signup form for an event, or announce a sale or new offering. The great thing about Hello Bar Inline is you can do all of this directly within a blog post or webpage. And, because you are capturing a lead directly within blog posts or content that a visitor finds interesting, these are usually very high-quality leads. This means more paying customers from the same amount of website traffic.

What Is Included In A Lead Capture Form?

A lead capture form usually has a clear value proposition, a prominent call to action and a limited number of form fields to reduce friction so you get more leads. Most lead capture forms use a call-to-action button in a form for generating leads or driving other activity.

Create Clear & Prominent CTAs To Generate Leads With Hello Bar Inline

If you want to generate leads using a lead capture form, have a clear and visible call to action to fill out your lead generation forms to learn more about your product. If you want readers of a blog post to sign up to get notified when you post a new blog post, create a clear call to action that encourages them to sign up to get notified when new blog posts are published.

If you want to direct users to a specific sale on your website, use your lead generation form to include a link to another webpage. If you want to convert more potential customers, include a coupon code to buy now to “save 20%”. Again, the great thing about lead generation forms is how flexible they are, but you must create clear and prominent CTAs.

Use Action-Oriented Language In Your Inline Lead Capture Forms & CTAs

In crafting effective CTAs, be sure to use action-oriented language that encourages your website visitors to take action. Be sure to include your value proposition as part of your clear and direct CTA. And, consider using a sense of urgency to get your website visitors to take action quickly. After all, once they leave your site, they may not come back.

Use Multiple Inline Lead Capture Forms Throughout Your Content

Hello Bar makes it easy to add multiple different inline lead capture forms into your blog posts and other website pages. This means that you can sprinkle them in through your content and match the content and context of your article.

Hello Bar Inline Enables You To Easily Match Your Brand

Research shows that native advertising and promotions can have higher engagement rates. This is because people have come to have “advertising blindness”, meaning that they more easily ignore things that look like ads. Hello Bar Inline’s lead capture forms can be easily matched to fit your brand and the look and feel of the articles and content in which they are placed. This means that your lead capture forms can feel “native” and enjoy higher engagement rates.