Recover Abandoned Cart With Hello Bar

Hello Bar is a simple and proven way to automate the process to recover abandoned cart. This can result in a massive ROI and help you grow. 💰🚀

Happy customers who use Hello Bar to recover abandoned cart

Happy Customers

Proven and Automated

Thought Leaders

Remind shoppers to complete an abandoned cart when they go to exit your website.

Media Companies

Set up Hello Bar to automatically initiate an email when a user exits your site without completing a purchase.

E-commerce Stores

Automatically include urgency and incentives in your Hello Bar units to recover abandoned cart after abandoned cart.

Helping Ambitious Companies Recover Abandoned Carts Since 2012.

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How Ambitious Companies Use Hello Bar To Recover Abandoned Carts

Proven Templates

Use Hello Bar’s proven abandoned cart templates to easily match the design of your brand and website.

Use Incentives

Create urgency and use other incentives to encourage shoppers to complete a purchase sooner rather than later.

Personalize & Target

Personalize and target the abondoned cart messaging and send shoppers directly to the cart from the Hello Bar units.

How To Use Hello Bar To Recover Abandoned Cart

Add Hello Bar

Sign up for Hello Bar and add the Hello Bar script directly into your website or use our integrations to connect with your ecommerce CMS or email provider. We have partnered with most major ecommerce store builders and email providers so this only takes five minutes and you don’t need an engineer.

Define Unit Placements

Determine which unit placements you want to remind users to recover abandoned cart. A full page takeover or pop up modal usually works best. But, you can also use any of our units – from a bottom bar to a corner unit to a ton of other options. You can even add a few if you really want to remind a shopper to complete the cart.

Set Triggers

You can choose a variety of different triggers to recover abandoned carts when the timing makes most sense. For example, you can trigger a recover abandoned cart unit when a shopper exits your site or based on timing, scrolls or a variety of other behaviors.

Automate Email To Recover Abandoned Cart

It’s best to automate the process of sending an email from your favorite email provider once you know that a cart has been abandoned. We encourage you to use incentives and urgency to get somebody back into your shop and finish their cart immediately.

Proven Templates

We have been helping stores recover abandoned carts for over a decade and have proven templates designed by designers and conversion specialists.

Advanced Targeting

With advanced targeting and personalization features, Hello Bar increases the likelihood that you will recover abandoned cart after abandoned cart.

Easy to add incentives

You can easily add coupons and other incentives directly from your shop into your Hello Bar units.

Tracking & Testing

Hello Bar has its own tracking and is easy to connect to GA4. It also has many built-in optimization and testing features to take your CRO to the next level.

10+ Years Helping Stores Recover Abandoned Carts

Since 2012, Hello Bar has been helping ambitious stores recover abandoned carts, and the market loves us for it.

“The key to grow is to get more of the 99% of your website visitors that don’t take an actiion to take an action. Hello Bar is proven to do that.”


Neil Patel, famed internet marketer

“Using a Hello Bar at the top of our website helped us generate $52,223 in revenue by building an email list and driving leads to a quiz that qualified visitors and sent the right ones to a sales page. It increased our overall lead capture by 37.96%.”

Lead Quizzes Logo

Jeremy Ellens, Conversion expert & Founder LeadQuizzes

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We have a lot of e-commerce clients and most of them need helping recovering abandoned carts. Hello Bar has been a good partner in helping our clients do that.”

Mike K.

Neil Patel Digital

Lead Quizzes Logo

“Like all ecommerce stores, we have a lot of customers that abandon their carts. Hello Bar improved our cart recovery by over 40% and that has allowed us to spend more on marketing.”

Raul D.

Lead Quizzes Logo

“We have a lot of freelance marketers that work with e-commerce clients. We often recommend to these freelance experts to use Hello Bar in helping those clients recover abandoned cart.”

Dan M.

Growth Collective


“I’m not exaggerating when I say that the ROI on Hello Bar is like 500 to 1. We have used Hello Bar for email list building and recently started using it to recover abandoned carts. Our ROI is now going up even more.”

Jonathan T.

Leader of 8 leading fashion sites in Australia


FAQs For Recovering Abandoned Carts With Hello Bar —find key insights on using it to erxocer abandoned carts with answers to common questions.

Are you availabe to add through my store builder?

Hello Bar can easily be added directly to your website but we also have apps in many of the major store builder app stores. This includes apps for Duda, Shopify, Big Commerce and more. And, through a partnership with Zapier, we make additional integrations super easy and straightforward.

How expensive is Hello Bar?

We have a variety of different plans that are designed to scale with you as you grow. And, we enable all of our customers to test Hello Bar out for free. We also have worked hard to keep our prices lower than many of our competitors and believe it’s important to be transparent in our pricing (unlike many of our competitors).

Our customers that use Hello Bar to recover abandoned carts, typically, enjoy massive ROI. Just think–recovering just one abandoned cart can pay for Hello Bar for a couple of months and Hello Bar can be used to help you reach a lot of other conversion goals as well.

What are some important things to do in using Hello Bar to recover abandoned carts?

Like any tool, the more you put into Hello Bar the more you will get out of it. Setting Hello Bar up is simple, quick and easy. And, we make it easy to increase your ecommerce conversions and recover abandoned carts.

However, if you really want to skyrocket your cart recovery, we suggest: 1) Testing multiple abandoned cart units across different pages of your site; 2) Using the built in A/B testing to test different abandoned cart unit designs and copy; 3) Trying different abandoned cart triggers such as on exit and time; 4) Set up direct links into the shopping cart for each abandoned cart pop up or unit; 5) Put tracking in place to test how your Hello Bars are performing in recovering abandoned carts; 6) Build Hello Bar into your email marketing workflows using our many integrations. This will allow you to automatically send abandoned cart emails when you determine somebody has left without completing an order; 7) Use incentives and create urgency to encourage people to complete their abandoned carts right away. The longer a cart is abandoned, the less likely somebody will complete a purchase. Therefore, use incentives that are time bound to create urgency.

There are plenty more things you can do to elevate your conversion game even further with Hello Bar but the above is a good start.

Who uses Hello Bar to boost conversions?

Hello Bar has been around since 2012 and we have helped over 700,000 websites increase conversions. One of the most popular uses of Hello Bar is for online stores to recover abandoned carts. This is because of the importance of reducing abandoned cart rates and how easy and effective Hello Bar is in these efforts. And, while we have a history of working with some massive companies like Doc Martin, Staples and The North Face, we are equally proud to work with many small “mom and pop” stores.

With Hello Bar You Can Recover Abandoned Cart

Those Darn Abandoned Carts Will Get You Every Time

You have an e-commerce store. It sells great products. Your customer service is tops. You know how to rank for SEO. You are pretty good at paid ads as well. And, well everything in your business should be going so well. But, wait, why do you keep getting to the end of the month and, once again, not see much profit. Well, those darned abandoned carts will get you every time. And, not just you.

About 70% Of Shopping Carts Are Abandoned

Yep, as reported by Baymard Institute, nearly 70% of shopping carts are abandoned and that number can go up to 80-85% for some stores and industries. 80-85!?!?! So, for every 10 people that come to your site, between 7-9 will go through the work of finding something they want and adding that something to their shopping cart. But, then they bolt and don’t complete the purchase.

So, how do you reduce cart abandonment? After all, you don’t just want to capture one…you want to have a way to capture more and do so on a consistent basis.

Why Does A Shopper Abandon His/Her Cart?

Understanding some of the reasons behind cart abandonment can help you overcome those reasons to improve your conversion rate and reduce your cart abandonment rate.

Poor user experience

Pages that load slowly and have complicated or confusing checkouts can lead to potential customers getting frustrated and leaving without completing their purchases.

Lack of trust

Stores and sites that don’t get people to feel a sense of trust can see their customers leave before they complete purchases. Sadly, there are a lot of scammers online so it’s important that you earn trust through 3rd party reviews, a certified billing gateway, etc…

Lack of urgency

If a customer feels they can complete that cart at any time, sometimes they will leave because they figure they can just come back sometime later and purchase it at the same price. They don’t have any incentive to complete that purchase now.

Get distracted

Most people are shopping online while they are doing a bunch of other things. Maybe they are working and have to run to a meeting. Or, maybe they are checking email while they are also doing a bit of online shopping. Or, maybe they are only shopping but they are shopping for multiple things across different sites at the same time. They are distracted and then forget to complete that purchase.

Surprise costs

Sometimes a store will surprise customers with additional costs such as transaction fees or unexpected shipping costs. This can lead to a number of customers bouncing without completing the purchase.

Hello Bar Is A Proven Solution For Abandoned Cart Recovery

Hello Bar has been helping companies recover abandoned carts for over 12 years. So, ya, we know a thing or two about how to do it. And, one of the most effective ways to recover an abandoned cart is to add a Hello Bar. Why Hello Bar is a great way to help you recover abandoned carts:

We have been helping companies with recovering carts for over 12 years

Yes, we have more competitors now than we did 10 years ago. And, while a number of our competitors have decent tools, we have something most of our competitors don’t have…over 12 years experience. And, we have learned a few things in those years.

We pass on that learning to our customers

We pass on all of the learning about recovering carts to our customers. We do this through our proven templates, our unique targeting features, the way we have integrated Hello Bar into email platforms you can use to improve your cart recovery even further, and the high-touch customer service we offer.

We have urgency features built right in

One of the most important things to include when trying to recover abandoned cart is to create urgency. You want that customer to complete that purchase NOW. If he/she doesn’t, they will get busy on something else and forget all about you. We have built-in urgency features like countdown timers that can be added to every Hello Bar template.

Hello Bar is easy to use

There are a ton of different tools and strategies you can use to recover abandoned cart. Some are simple and some are more advanced. And, ultimately, you should use a few different tools, strategies and tactics. But, Hello Bar can sit alongside all of those and is super easy to use. In fact, we have won many awards and received great reviews for how easy the Hello Bar platform is to use.

We can be used to establish trust

Hello Bar can be used to establish additional trust in the form of social proof and to show reviews as a user is navigating a website or is on a checkout page. This can help reduce trust issues to help recover abandoned carts.

It’s affordable to use

Hello Bar is powerful while being affordable and easy to use.

Hello Bar Drives Easy ROI In Reducing Cart Abandonment

Customers that use Hello Bar to recover abandoned carts enjoy very strong ROI. It’s actually pretty simple math. Just one or two recovered carts can result in positive ROI on Hello Bar. And, most Hello Bar customers will see multiple or many recovered carts through their efforts using Hello Bar.

Hello Bar Can Be Used As Part Of Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies

While Hello Bar can help take a big bite out of your abandoned carts, it should be used as part of an overall strategy for recovering abandoned carts. Some of the tactics that can be used alongside of Hello Bar include:

Automated email reminders to customer who have abandoned their carts

Hello Bar can be set up as part of a process of automatically sending out email reminders when a customer abandons his cart. You can set those emails to go out as soon as somebody abandons a cart and/or later a certain duration after the cart has been abandoned.

Offer personalized recommendations to encourage customers to complete their purchase

Sometimes when you recommend something else to add to an abandoned cart, the shopper gets excited about that additional product and, therefore, completes the entire cart.

Use social media channels to re-engage with customers through organic or paid means

You can use social media to remind customers of their abandoned carts. You can do this through paid or organic means.

Include a direct link to a user’s shopping cart when you remind them

You can increase your cart recovery rates if the links you include in your reminder emails or site notifications include a direct link to the shopping cart for that customer. That way, they don’t have to fumble around looking for their shopping cart if they return to the site.

Try web push notifications to also try to recover abandoned carts

Web push notifications can complement your efforts. These are small push notifications that can be sent through a web browser to a customer when he/she abandons a cart. Platforms like have special e-commerce specific push notifications features including some powerful cart recovery features.

Make Your Checkout Page Easy

Another key thing to do in recovering abandoned carts is to make sure that your checkout page and process are intuitive and easy. This means:

Requiring as few steps as possible to complete the cart.

Making the checkout page mobile-friendly.

Including clear and transparent pricing information as well as shipping and delivery information.

Having a means of guest checkout in the event that somebody doesn’t want to store their info.

Use trust and security badges and seals as well as social proof to provide confidence in the checkout process.

Use clear, human and friendly language to put your customers at ease.

Tracking Abandoned Carts

You should get in the habit of tracking your abandoned carts so you can see what activities are driving improvements. As you track your abandoned carts, be sure to track the number of carts started and the number of starts completed.

Sometimes people get so obsessed with reducing abandoned carts that they take actions that reduce the number of carts started. If that happens, you are back at square one. The best way to track abandoned carts is through a simple Google sheet or dashboard–include the number of abandoned carts, including abandoned cart details and recovery metrics.

Some Additional Tactics That Should Be A Part of Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies

Automatically save customer data for future purchases

This goes for both those who complete a purchase and those who abandon their carts (autosave their information as they fill it out).

Use direct links to make it easy to return

Don’t just include links back to your homepage. When you send a link to somebody as you try to recover an abandoned cart, use a recovery link to allow guest users to easily return to their cart and complete their purchase.

Use email email templates that have been designed and crafted especially for abandoned carts

There is an art and science to recovering abandoned carts. Use abandoned cart email templates that have been proven over time. Many email providers will have those but will be very basic and lack advanced features.

Incent customers with coupon codes and discounts if they complete their purchase

Provide coupon codes to incent the completion of an abandoned cart. And, be sure to create urgency when you provide those coupons–for example, tell the customer he/she has to complete the purchase within 10 minutes to be able to use the coupon.

Set Goals For Your Cart Abandonment Recovery & Then Track Against Those Goals

You should make cart abandonment a KPI within your organization and assign an individual or team to tackle making improvements.

Create clear goals

You should create and communicate clear goals. For example, if your current cart abandonment rate is 70%, set a goal to reduce it to 68% within 3 months, 65% within 6 months and 60% within 12 months. Then, track against that KPI on a regular basis.

Make data driven decisions

With your goals in place, determine which activities are effective and which aren’t so you can make data-driven decisiosn on which activities to invest more or less in.

Adopt a testing culture across your organization

Make sure your entire organization believes in testing and has the support to conduct regular and specific tests. Use A/B testing and other experimentation to optimize the checkout process and improve the effectiveness of your abandoned cart recovery strategy.

Use feedback and surveys to find areas of improvement

Include feedback and surveys to understand more about why your customers are abandoning their carts. Each store’s customers have a bit different behavior.

Some Additional Best Practices For Abandoned Cart Recovery

Use a combination of tactics – ultimately, success will be multiple small wins that stack up.

Get good at personalization and targeting.

Use clear and concise language in your abandoned cart recovery emails and messages.

Create urgency and scarcity to incent customers to complete their purchases.

Use abandoned cart automation to streamline the recovery process and save time.

Conclusion: Create A Clear Strategy To Recover Abandoned Carts & Include Hello Bar In Those Efforts

Recovering abandoned carts can help ecommerce merchants to recover lost sales and increase revenue. This can make the difference between being profitable or not.

A clear abandoned cart recovery strategy should include a series of different tactics. After all, improving your cart recovery will, likely, be a stack of small wins.

Set clear goals and remember to track and analyze abandoned cart recovery metrics to measure the success of your strategy and make data-driven decisions. An easy way to boost conversions is to add Hello Bar. It’s easy, flexible and has been shown to drive massive conversion rates.